Friday 4 August 2023

Friday, 04-08-23

Morning, everyone.  It's quite early and just before sunrise, the ground is dry and the sky looks relatively clear but the forecast is for 'thundery showers' later on.  We will see.  
It was quite pleasant yesterday and I managed to get some washing dried outside which was nice.

It was really lovely to catch up with Chris online.  She's now testing negative, thank goodness, and is feeling loads better again.

When Matt the Plumber came, he checked things and said it was fine.  An unusual thing to happen, said he, but not unheard of, and it's usually to do with pressure in the pipes sucking hot into the cold water pipe.  When I turned off the taps and came downstairs to text him, it gave the pressure a chance to equalise and so things went back to normal.
So no problems and just to let him know if it happens again.
And he didn't express any doubts that it happened - < grin >.
So that was a relief.

I had a lovely chat with Mel when she dropped off my Avon order and the house is now in slightly better order although I feel a blitz of the guest room coming on in the near future.

And I nearly forgot - I cut Little Runt's first courgette yesterday.  Small but perfectly formed, as they say!

Today it's Slimming World, of course.  Things ease off during the holidays and a number of folk with school age children don't stay for the second part, understandably, but we still manage to have a great old time and I always look forward to going.

Then I have more washing, ironing, etc, to do before the cleaners arrive.  I'm not lacking things to be getting on with, that's for sure.
Have a great day, everyone.  xx


  1. Morning. It must be something about our neck of the woods - I too am waking at silly o'clock each morning. Have put all the painting things away and second coat of gloss on skirtings and windowsill all before 7.30!
    Suze xx

    1. Maybe it is! Something in the air, perhaps!
      You're doing brilliantly with the decorating. xx

  2. I think we need some sunshine ... and thank you! xx

    1. I am sure we do . . . and so do the tomatoes. :-) xx

  3. It's nippy here again this morning, and dull! x x

    1. It was here too but now the sun is out and it is really pleasant. Hope it lasts! xx

  4. Morning Joy
    Rachel ( E28 ) here,
    I too rejoiced as I got a line full of washing dry yesterday. Back to cool and grey but that actually suits me fine! I really wish I lived near you because I would come to your SW group. My local group is ok. But because I live where I work so to speak - in the holidays there’s a lot of parents and their children who go and I’m not overly fond of mixing with parents in my none school time. Currently being pampered by my daughter who is giving me a pedicure! Have a great day!

    1. I wish you did too - I have a feeling we would get on really well, despite a difference in age.
      I really get what you mean about mixing school life with personal life. It can be quite uncomfortable and it isn't always wise.
      Enjoy your pedicure - it's what daughters are for. xx

  5. People are wearing woolly jumpers here today. It certainly isn't feeling summery.

    1. It wasn't here either but it's lovely at the moment (at 11:40). Will it continue - time alone will tell but it's nice to get the bedding on the line, isn't it? xx

  6. I am so glad that Chris is showing negative tests. Yes!!! Glad you got your first zucchini off little Runt.

    God bless.

    1. Good, isn't it! Both things, I mean, but especially Chris. Thanks, Jackie.
