Thursday 7 January 2021


 Good morning!  It's yet another  chilly morning, this time with a frost to pretty things up.  Beeb thinks it is only going to rise to 1 C so the frost may stay all day.  Brrrr.

Yesterday was sad.  Down came the baubles, down came the bunting, down came the Christmas tree lights and finally the three, in three sections, was carried down to the garage to be bagged there.  Yes, I had a brainwave, must unusually for me.  Instead of filling the bag in the house and struggling to carry it to the garage (it is a heavy tree), after years and years I have finally realised I can do it the other way!  Doh!
There's a few odds and ends to deal with but, generally, Christmas has been packed away and, so that the tree corner doesn't look too dull, I've brightened it up a bit.

The cushion came in a set of Christmas cushions but it isn't specifically Christmassy so it can stay there and the 'JOY' was a gift and the giver said she chose it because it could stay all year round, given my name and character (wasn't that kind).
OK, it's not the most stylish of corners but, if it was, it wouldn't go in my house.  lol

Before all of the above I had a lovely chat with Val before there was a knock at the door and my bags of granular salt had arrived, accompanied by a very pleasant chap who was happy to take them round the side to the back as they were destined for storage in the shed.
I had ordered ten bags and each bag came in its own packing box.  Goodness knows why; the bags are very heavy duty and they could have slapped labels just on the bags rather than put each into a box with paper inside to pad out the rest of the space.
Now my card recycling sack is chocka full and I'm glad they're collecting this week!
The bags of salt are now neatly stacked in the shed, ready for use either in the water softener, the dishwasher or, if necessary, to put down on the hill that is our cul de sac so cars can get out (it's been done before!) in snowy weather.

Personal training was really good.  I was a bit puffed after the Christmas laziness (and I didn't have a session last week) but at long, long last my neck and shoulder issues have cleared up and I didn't feel so much as a twinge.  I wonder if some of it had its roots in dental issues.

So that was yesterday - fairly busy really under the circumstances.  Today, I think I have a chat with Chris this morning and Slimming World Zoom early evening.  Between those time, I can sort out the remaining clutter downstairs and then go up to the spare room to put all the Christmas fabric stuff away.  At the moment it's all laid out on the two beds.

My fingers were getting twitchy after reading Frugal in Essex's entry about some knitting yarn(thank you) so I went to Deramores to look at what they had.  I rather fancied a kit, something blanket related, maybe, but all the kits I liked had sold out, darn it, so I went for a downloadable pattern for a hexagonal quilt which has the advantage that it will use up some of my everlasting yarn stash.  Basically, it is hexagons in four different stitches to which I can add another, reverse stocking stitch.  
As well as that, I have a cross stitch to finish and another waiting to start as well as a jigsaw puzzle, so I do have plenty to be getting on with when I am sitting down. 

What do you plan to do today?  Whatever it is, stay safe and be happy.  xx


  1. My plan is to stay warm and do the minimum I can get away with. I excuse myself as I still feel pretty rough and bed is my preferred option.

    1. That sounds about right to me, Diane. Health comes first and a nice warm bed can be just what is needed.
      Hope you feel better very soon. xx

  2. After getting back from an icy cold dog walk along the river, my plan is to stay warm and get stuck in to a bit of housework. But first a trip around blog world and perhaps another cup of coffee methinks :-)

    1. Definitely coffee first!! And with coffee goes bloggy stuff. :-)
      Sadly, housework is quite good and warming us up too . . .

  3. Blanket sounds good, there is also a nice crochet pattern for leftover yarns. It's Corner to Corner (C2C)

    1. That's nice,. thanks. And that yarn is beautiful.

  4. Enjoy your knitting or is it crochet? I'm crocheting yet another blanket to keep busy and it stops me wanting to nibble stuff in the evenings.. yes everywhere looks bare when we pack up Christmas but at least it means everywhere gets a good clean in our house.And I have no bother filling up the space.. love your cushion.

    1. It's nice, isn't it! It was one of a set of four but the other three are specifically Christmassy.
      You have a point about the place getting a good clean. Some corners really need it.
      It's knitting and I've got about three hexagons made. However, I've had to adapt the pattern as some of it doesn't make sense and the moss stitch one knits to a different tension. Also the pattern says size 4.5 needles but IO think it makes them too loose so I'm going to try with fours instead. I'm really just playing about anyway to start with.

  5. I'm on paperwork duties today. I've finished sorting and have made a start on the filing and on updating/checking my 'When I've Gone' folder. Next is the dreaded shredding and there's loads of it!

    1. I hope it all went well - it doesn't sound very exciting bit it will be good when it's done.

  6. Oh, I need to get back to knitting, too. I plan to trim my locust tree, study my borkerage statement, and clean the house. Enjoy your knitting!

    1. Thanks, I am doing. I hope you got everything done that you wanted to.

  7. I must admit that I took everything down before the new year. I know it's not supposed to be done, but really at that point I wanted it gone lol.

    1. Some like things down good and early. Nothing wrong with that, it's what suits you (and me) best really.
