Sunday 17 January 2021

Sunday - and a fairly long explanation, sorry!

 Morning, everyone.  Well, the snow didn't last for long.  It turned to sleet, then to rain and in the afternoon the sun came out and it was lovely.  That's the way to do it!!
And we have sunshine this morning too.

I'll start with the explanation.  There was a comment to yesterday's post that really needs a proper answer, not just in comment reply, in case others have misunderstood too so apologies if you already know all this, but it's for everyone.

The comment was this (edited only for spacing issues):

Hi Joy

I live in Kent & have 2 children & 4 grandchildren under 10
They live in Aberdeen & North London.
I have not been able to see any of them other than very short periods for the last 12 months soI find it distressing that you can have a ‘bubble’ of 3 people none of whom appear to live together.
Doubt whether you will publish this

I feel quite upset about your ‘bubble’ of 3 people who don’t appear to live together.

I am in my seventies & have 2 children &=

Hi, U,
First of all, I can understand how distressing and difficult it is not to see loved ones face to face at the moment.  I'm so lucky that my daughter and grandson live in the same city so can be my support bubble.  Not everyone is so fortunate and I never cease to be grateful for what I have, believe me, nor to take it for granted.

Beth isolates as much as possible, shops by click and collect mostly and works from home.  Ditto for me except that I do my shopping early morning in order to avoid crowds.  Apart from that, pretty much the only time we go out is to each other's homes.  It's as safe as it can be.

My son, Dave, and his partner, Anna, also live close by (yes, I am really very, very lucky, I know) but I don't see them apart from online.  Dave came round a couple of times to put things in my freezer but we didn't spend time together face to face.  I miss them but there you are.

Ditto for Dad.  He is very vulnerable and, when it was allowed, I used to spend every other fortnight with him, making sure things were OK.  He is also isolating and has a bubble with his next door neighbour.  I miss him too, very much.

I've explained all of the above, not for any sort of sympathy, but for clarity.

So - Beth (and Alex, her son, who lives at home during the vacation) are my support bubble.  The rules for support bubbles can be found here , we stick to them and I will just say that Beth and I maintain some distance anyway, just to be on the safe side.  No hugs at the moment, sadly.  As an aside, I wonder how long it will be before we feel safe hugging again.

The sender of the comment may have been referring to my weekly 'chats' to Dad, Val, Chris and Jackie.  All of these chats are online chats with people I used to see very regularly.  Dad is - well, my Dad, Val used to live down the road from me, Chris is just over the cul de sac so we can wave to each other out of our windows and Jackie is an old friend and school colleague in the past.  I have seen none of them face to face for any kind of get together since last summer when we were allowed to under certain restrictions.  I am so thankful for Messenger/Zoom/technology in general to enable some sort of interaction.  It's not as good as proper, real, interaction, but it's a very good substitute.

Lindsey is my personal trainer and she delivers sessions via Messenger.  They are not face to face.  

So, just to recap - I am very firmly  sticking to the rules, including the support bubble rules.  I am not meeting face to face with anyone else, not even in the park, for exercise, maintaining distance.  When I go out for a walk infrequently, I go on my own.
Does that clarify and explain?  I do hope so.
Thanks for the comment; I didn't realise that there might be misunderstanding and I'm glad I've had the opportunity to put things right.

Right - back to normal now!

As I said, the snow was minimal, as you can see.  It looked pretty for a short time and thank goodness it didn't freeze as it would have been very nasty underfoot.

I spend most of the morning in the kitchen, making some bean, tomato and veg casserole type stuff which is now frozen in single portions for Beth to take.  I did syphon off three smaller portions for myself - it tasted rather good!

In the afternoon I was very lazy, sitting, reading, knitting, watching Netflix (I'm working through the Star Trek: Voyager programmes) and generally having a good time.

Today, the morning is lazy apart from meal prep and then Beth's round for lunch.  She can take the finished ironing and the frozen meals and I'm hoping she will bring another load of washing with her.  It's something I can do while she's so busy with her new job and, goodness knows, I have enough time during the week.
I'm looking forward to hearing how the work is going too.

Once she's gone, the kitchen will need tidying and then I'm settling down with telly.  I think it will be a really nice day!
Take care, all of you, stay safe and well.  What are your plans for today?  xx


  1. I find it sad you have to explain when everyone here knows just how conscientious you have been regarding Covid and the rules. Have a good day, Joy and thank you for inspiring us to live happily even when the going gets tough. x

    1. I posted a reply and it seems to have vanished - I must have forgotten to send. Thanks for this and I guess it was a good opportunity to make thins clear. It's probably confusing for non followers when I go on about chats with friends, family, etc!!
      I guess if one can misunderstand, then so can others so it was an opportunity to explain.
      Thank you for your lovely comment and support. :-)

  2. Totally understand the confusion. My family lives near but we can’t be together. Vaccine soon...

    1. Indeed. I'm looking forward to the day . . .

  3. It really annoys me too - and when people say it's all made up, it's just a hoax, and so on, well . . . !!!! Words fail me, they really do.
    Thanks, Laurie!

  4. I thought the comment by Unknown was completely unnecessary and I hope it didn't upset you. It must be someone who is either new to your blog or who hasn't been reading for long as I think you have always made it clear that you are careful about following the rules.

    I'm jealous of the snow ... that's the sort of amount I can deal with! It's lovely and sunny here but the sun has encouraged too many people to be outside so I will spend some time in the garden instead. I hope you have a lovely catch up with Beth xx

    1. Thanks, Eileen. It didn't upset me exactly, more gave me a bit of a start, if you know what I mean.
      It really was just a light covering of snow, nothing too hairy or heavy, thank goodness.

  5. I think everyone reading your blog would instantly pick up how conscientious a person you are and you had no need to explain yourself to anyone. We can all judge and get it wrong at times. I am sorry your commenter has not been able to see her family - we have all got our individual problems with this lockdown and we are all doing our best, especially as the rules are not always easy to interpret.
    We had a good fall of snow this last week - all gone today but the remains of a few snowmen. Have a good week. x

    1. I just hope the lady or gentleman concerned will be OK. It's not a nice situation for any of us right now.
      I love snowmen!!! :-)

  6. It's pretty obvious that you do follow the rules, Joy - if you didn't, you'd be pretty idiotic to write about it! Everyone who's a regular reader will know just how conscientious you are, about everything. You didn't need to explain yourself, but it was very kind of you to do so, especially to someone who's anonymous. I hope you have a lovely time with Beth xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze.
      We've had a lovely afternoon and she's just gone. Now for a lovely evening with pottery throwdowns, etc.

  7. Joy, I thought you were very kind and respectful when answering your commenter.
    We are all missing our families and friends and our freedom. No one is having a good time, it's important to understand that.
    Good times will return, for everyone. Take care, Carole.

    1. Thank you, Carole. It is indeed important to remember that this virus is creating all sorts of difficulties and unhappinesses all over the world. A bad time globally.

  8. It's so easy for other people to jump to wrong conclusions. Bless you Joy, you were so polite in your response.

    1. I've done it myself as I am sure everyone had at times. I'm so glad it came over as polite - I certainly didn't intend to be rude.
      Thanks, Cherie.

  9. You shouldn't have to explain yourself but I do understand the need to do so. It is really upsetting if someone makes an allegation that isn't true. Take care. XXXXX

    1. Well, I just felt it was right to explain. Thanks so much for the support. xx

  10. The snow looks lovely!
    I personally don't think you owe it to anyone to explain but it was nice of you to do so. I hope the other lady isn't too lonely and has some sort of support system. It is tough on people especially when they live alone.

    1. Exactly my feeling, Sharon. It must be very hard and sometimes things crack a bit, don't they? I do hope she is OK.

  11. I have up until now read your blog but never commented. I will do so today to honour your respectful reply to the critical comment from 'unknown' who did not even have the courtesy to leave his/her name. Here in New Zealand we are very blessed with our current Covid situation and my heart goes out to those in the UK who have such restrictions once again. Take heart. Keep safe, keep warm and keep healthy.

    1. Hi, Margaret, lovely to 'see' you. Many thanks for your comment. I'm very glad things are so much safer in New Zealand and I gather you have very good political leadership in your country.
      As I keep saying to the point of boring everyone, I'm very lucky with family close by, good neighbours and a lovely warm home where it is comparatively easy to keep safe. I wish you the same as applicable. All the best and please do comment again. xx

  12. It seems at the moment that we are all being held accountable by our readers. Sometimes it feels it should be unnecessary to say a chat is actually a Zoom call or a Messenger conversation, and you can guarantee that the one time that we don't it is picked up on by someone, usually a newish reader that doesn't know us as well as other readers.

    You were very kind and respectful in your reply and I hope the 'Unknown' person comes back to read this and thanks you. But at the moment there seems to be a lot of 'Unknowns' that are just out to cause trouble and nit-pick. Take care. xx

    1. I agree. Or just hurting people who are quick to lash out. I don't think she will return which is a shame but there you go.
      Wise words, Sue, Thanks.
