Sunday 17 May 2020


Good morning.  It's a bit too early to see the sun but it's supposed to be warmer than yesterday and sunnier too.  It was OK yesterday but when the sun went in, if was still feeling just a little bit chilly at times.

That didn't stop us, Beth and I, from doing what we had planned.  In went the baby corn plants . . .

. . . the courgettes, squashes and gherkins . . .

. . . and the sunflowers are taking their chance (they have cane support).  If they don't 'take', it's not too late to sow more seeds straight into the ground.

The broad beans, strawberries and raspberries are doing well . . .

 . . . but no sign of the runner beans yet (it's a bit too early really).

Anyway, it looks like a proper allotment plot now and, given that it's turning warmer, they should all grow pretty well in the next month or so.

Then we measured up the area that we want to properly smooth off, cover and have raised beds on.  It turns out to be a very convenient twelve feet by nine feet, easy for planning.  We've pretty much decided we want four rectangular beds, two and two, three feet high and that while we're at it, we'll have all the edging 'sleepers' replaced as they are pretty old and rotting.  It's turning into a more major job but we reckon it's worth doing.

I'll be back there this morning to water and then to catch random weeds that think they can come up while my back is turned.  Pesky things.
I made a video clip yesterday but it's not very good so I'll have another go today.  I think I need to learn how to 'stitch' two clips together.

I've also heard of a nearby garden centre that I thought had closed but it just moved elsewhere, connected (I think) with a local agricultural college.  I might head the car in that direction later on and take a look, assuming it's not too busy.  If it is, I'll try again during the week.
It's now sited down the delightfully named Cow Watering Lane.

I now have to decide when to put the tomatoes out the back.  One is definitely ready but the others are borderline so I guess it's one out while the rest can watch from the window.  I'm thinking next weekend for the others, given fine weather.

I'm sat at the PC with my Sunday treat, a cafetiere of coffee.  There's no rush today, no times to have to meet, no social chats, just me and my life.  It feels very restful and relaxing. 
Have a super day.  xx


  1. Allotment is looking promising, Joy. And love your cafetiere and no plan day. Enjoy x

  2. My tomatoes are doing well even the one that tried to die is struggling on - I have just turned the sprinkler on in the greenhouse to give them a good drink.

    1. Brilliant, well done. It's great when they decide life is worth the living and start taking off, isn't it?

  3. It's good news that the gardening centres are reopening, both for them and us. They showed a Bristol one on the local news yesterday and for the most part there was social distancing but some people didn't seem capable of doing it, which was worrying.

    A cafetiere of coffee sounds like a perfect way to start the day. Hope your (unplanned) day is peaceful and perfect!

  4. It has been so far. I found the garden centre and it was fine. Everyone kept at a distance.
