Saturday 25 February 2012

Got paid yesterday

. . . so today I spent a bit in Amazon.

On this:

Victorian Dolls House: 3-Dimensional Carousel (Three Dimensional)

It's a lovely pop up carousel book:  you undo the bows, open it right out and round and tie the bows again to make a circular 'carousel' pop up scene.  They had one at the Museum on one of the activity tables.  Quite fragile (only the adult was allowed to touch it), so it's not going to be out on general display, but as our D&T project is to make a simple pop up picture for our class museum, I think it will be a great starting point.

This is the one in the museum.  You can see that it is pretty battered (not surprisingly) but the children thought it was absolutely fantastic and I can see that they will love having one in the classroom.

It wasn't all that expensive and I reckon it is money well spent.  I might claim it back and I might not.  It depends how much I fall in love with the book when it arrives.

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