Monday 17 April 2017


Well, it's too dark to see what's going on out there except that it's definitely been raining overnight for which I am duly grateful.  It should soften the allotment ground no end.  Muddy I can cope with!

I'm off home soon after a very pleasant weekend with my parents.  Nice and quiet and not an Easter egg in sight.  I brought with me a jar of my plum jam and some allotment rhubarb so we have enjoyed rhubarb and strawberry crumble with cream and, last night, good old-fashioned stewed rhubarb and custard which was absolutely delicious!  It makes me feel hungry just thinking about it!  Must look up more rhubarb recipes!

On the way home I will be stopping off at Aldi to see if they have any of their super-free veg left after the weekend.  Hope so - I don't need a lot but I am nearly out of carrots!

Once home, life gets back to normal.  I left the house tidy but, of course, there will be some washing to do and, as tuition starts again this week, some planning too.   Also, I want to have a tour of the  estate - oh, ok, the small patch I call my garden - to see what weeds the rain has brought up!

 Enough stuff to keep me out of trouble anyway.


  1. I have a passion for rhubarb with stem ginger but crumble is irresistible even to a complete savory person like me.

  2. It really was delicious. Loads more to come too! Mmmmmmmm
    J x
