Saturday 13 July 2024

Saturday evening, 13-07-24

Evening, all.

I noticed this today.

I had a very battered old planter that contained some self-seeded fern.  It was really attractive.
I needed to replant it into a different pot and, at first, the fern started to die off, going completely brown (as you can see).  
However, I glanced at it today and - can you see? - there's three new fern shoots coming up.  I'm so pleased.

Not the clearest photo in the world but this is how the yarn is knitting up.  I do like it.

I went out and about a couple of times, cooked meals and generally kept myself busy most of the day,

I just have to finish getting my jolly bag packed and that's me ready for tomorrow.  

As usual after a coach trip, I'm not sure if there will be a post tomorrow evening.  If not, I will be back on Monday.

I'm almost falling asleep now so I will get this posted now and then work on staying awake for another hour.  Sleep tight, everyone!  xx


  1. Enjoy your day out and fingers crossed for decent weather. Catriona

    1. The sun is shining here at the moment and it looks to be Downton way so here's hoping. xx

  2. Enjoy your trip, and yea for the new fern sprouts. I do love the way the yarn is knitting up.

    God bless.

    1. It's pretty, isn't it.
      The fern was self seeded, not something I deliberately planted, but when it came up I was really pleased because it's such a vibrant green. xx.

  3. Enjoy your trip. I hope the weather cooperates!

    1. It looks as if it is going to be nice although I have fold up mac and brolly with me, just in case. xx

  4. Have a good day tomorrow.

    1. Thanks, Chris. Really looking forward to this one. xx

  5. It's lovely in Berkshire this morning so your day should be a sunny one.

    1. It was dry. Not all that sunny but when the sun did come out, it was hot. xx

  6. I'm trusting that you've had a lovely day, and I'm looking forward to reading all about it in your next post. Xx

    1. I did, thanks, Jules. A lovely day. xx

  7. Ferns are very resilient. I had a few that self seeded into the weed guard under our old decking. I potted them up and now they are nice healthy plants for free. I hope your baby fern shoots grow well for you too.
    Looking forward to hearing about you trip x

  8. The yarn is very pretty . I do hope you enjoyed your trip
    Alison in Wales x
