Saturday 6 July 2024

Saturday evening, 06-07-24

Good evening, one and all.

Bleugh - such a wet day again today.  By the time I took this photo it had settled to a steady rate but this morning we had some right downpours.  So much for 'sunny intervals' this morning - if we had any, I missed them.

I cracked and got an oodie out because it felt so chilly.

We had planned a walk this morning but, obviously, that was cancelled, J and other half decided not to turn out, everyone else was away and D and I went to the Writtle Tea Rooms for coffee and a chat.  It was really pleasant but a shame about the walk.  

Thankfully, by mid afternoon the rain had stopped and the sun was out.  Still quite chilly and I kept the oodie on but it was much more pleasant.

Have you had torrential rain too?

Take care, sleep well and have a great day tomorrow.  xx


  1. No no rain here in North Notts and my garden and water butts really need some.

    1. Oh, dear - and we have had so much. Weather conditions are so very localised, aren't they? Hoping you hit the rain jackpot soon. xx

  2. Sunshine and showers here this afternoon but the showers were torrential!

    1. Absolutely teeming it down, enough to make me very glad I didn't have anywhere to go. xx

  3. Right after I planted a fig tree, it rained for about 30 minutes. That’s all so far. I don’t think it will rain tonight. It’s pretty hot outside.

    1. A fig tree - how lovely. In the ground or in a pot? xx

  4. I got soaked to the skin trying to save the washing-it was wetter than when I put it out. Catriona

    1. Nightmare!! Yes, it really wasn't a line drying day at all. xx

  5. Good thing you had the hoodie. It really helps to dress for the weather. We have been experiencing a heatwave here in California. Fortunately, I am up in the mountains, and it is cool and breezy. The mature pines and oak trees keep things refreshing and natural.

    1. I was very glad of it. I love the sound of your home in the mountains and the photos on your blog are gorgeous. xx

  6. I love your patio, raised beds and garden room. That would a dream back yard for me.

    1. That is such a lovely thing to say, thank you, Maebeme. It's only in the last year that I have really started feeling good about the garden. Maybe the garden room has helped - although it's big, it's so much more 'joyous' than the old shed that was getting rickety, and is much more multi function. And the planting is ongoing as it always is, but it satisfies me now. xx

  7. Here in North Norfolk we had a hail storm which is really not typical July weather!

    1. Hail!! My goodness. That is so unseasonable! I hope you're getting some sunshine this morning. xx

  8. In South Norfolk it rained like stair rods all day. I have never seen summer rain like it. Could you please explain was is "an oodie". What on earth is it if it isn't a hoodie? I find each time I read it it is like hearing a finger nail scratching on a blackboard.

    1. I suppose 'Oodie' is actually a brand name and the generic name is something like 'snuggle hood'. Their site says it's an 'oversize, wearable blanket' I'll find a few photos to post this evening.
      Really sorry it affects you like that. xx

    2. I Googled and it said:
      "What is the difference between hoodie and Oodie?
      If you are still unacquainted with this fashion phenomenon, a hooded blanket (also known as a blanket hoodie or by the brand name Oodie) is a cross between a giant hoodie sweatshirt and, you guessed it, a blanket."
      :-) xx

    3. Thanks for the explanation Joy. It may make it a little easier to bear now I know it is a brand name but you must agree that "an oodie" is grating if you think about.

    4. I've got used to it, I think. I didn't like it at first because I don't like poor articulation - pedantic, that's me! No problems with the deletions - I'll get rid of them for you. xx

  9. My washing is being rinsed again and again - eventually, it will be dry enough to bring in. Today is a mixed bag, too.

    1. Yup! After some sunshine this morning, it's clouded over and rain is starting. Oh, well. xx

  10. In Bristol we had a tremendous storm on Friday night into Saturday morning - I was woken by my very wet cat Milo telling me he was soaked
    And like others, I have spent the last few days hanging out wet washing , only to have to return it indoors even wetter !
    Siobhan x

    1. So dismal all round although I have to say the sun is pout again here now. It's not warm, I have a winter thickness cardigan on, but sunshine is cheering.
      I have washing to do tomorrow and I'm not optimistic regards outside drying. xx

  11. Sorry that the rain spoiled the walk! Hopefully the weather will be better next week!

    1. Let's hope so. Coffee and chat as nice but not the same, of course. xx

  12. I really hope this weather begins to pick up soon. It's been so chilly here, that my heating came on just the other day. Perhaps, just this once, the sunny weather will arrive in time for the summer break :)
