Monday 8 July 2024

Monday evening - 08-07-24

Good evening.

There's a couple more trips coming up in the next fortnight, which is nice.
Next Sunday, we're off to Highclere Castle for the day.  Now, that's a fair old distance away and I'd never normally consider it so it's lovely to let the driver take the strain.  Normally, it is a non stop journey as there's a loo on the coach but there might be a stop at Reading services, depending on how the time is going.  To be honest, I wouldn't be fussed if there wasn't a stop.
I've never watched Downton (shame on me) - maybe I can find it somewhere and watch a bit.

And then we're off to Buckingham Palace the following week for a tour of Palace and Gardens, followed by (and I'd forgotten this bit) a few hours at Covent Gardens.  Must see what there is there; I'm assuming mostly expensive shope, like Battersea Power Station.  Am I right?

Anyway, all very exciting!

It's been a typical Monday - circuits and then housework.  We had sunshine all morning and I got two loads of washing dried, ironed and away.  Then the clouds rolled in, the rain started and it got jolly cold - it felt cold to me anyway.  I'm going to snuggle under a fleece this evening and read, I think.  Nice.

How about you.  Is Monday housework day for you?

Have a great evening, sleep well and pleasant dreams.  xx


  1. I started off the day with some ironing before it got too hot and then planned some of my charity sewing for Christmas.Catriona

    1. Lovely - not a chance of it being too hot here though. :-) xx

  2. Buckingham Palace sounds exciting. I can't wait to read all about your visit.
    Also, I'm quite relieved that I'm not the only one never to have watched Downton Abbey :)

    1. Apart from you and me, the rest of the world seems to have. :-) xx

  3. A couple of trips to look forward to!

    1. Definitely - I very much am looking forward to them. xx

  4. I do most of the housework on Sundays. I'm not a church-goer and as they say, "cleanliness is next to Godliness"

    1. Another saying is 'better the day, better the deed', I believe. However, I think the 'one in seven to rest' is a sound principle for health, whatever you make of the seventh. xx

  5. My dad told stories of scrumping at Highclere when he was a child!

    1. Oooh, naughty!! lol. On the info we received, it said 'The grounds do not approve of picnics, etc' which is a bit of a pain. xx

  6. It was rather chilly yesterday and it's not any better today. Some nice trips for you to look forward to. It's relaxing to have someone else do the driving.

    1. No, it's not. It is cold and it is wet. Quite miserable, in fact. I'm starting to look out for signs of blight on the tomatoes. xx

  7. Your garden and parasol look beautiful! We have multi fit ground spikes from Argos which I didn’t t realise until I asked my husband, maybe you could just buy the pipes? Although the whole thing is only about £10. Enjoy your upcoming trips 😊

    1. Interesting, thank you. I'll go take a look and see. xx

  8. Buck house should be good, my husband's BIL is a Surveyor and has surveyed it and its falling apart and needs major work done on it, very costly it seems.

    1. I'm absolutely sure - it's a huge place and 'historic' so a bit of MDF in the right place wouldn't wing it at all. I'm glad it's not my responsibility - my little 1970s home is enough for me. :-) xx

  9. Yes, some housework for me on Monday and a little more this morning too 😀
    Hope you enjoy your trip.
    Alison in Wales x

  10. Lovely to have those trips to look forward to! I can’t wait to see your photos but more importantly, I hope that the weather is good for you! 😁

    1. Thank, Sal. Me too - it's not all that encouraging right now but time will tell. xx

  11. You have some more great trips lined up, Joy. I would love both your upcoming ventures. I could get lots of ideas from Highclere for my doll house :-)

    1. I really think you could. One isn't allowed to take photos inside which is a shame. I've just finished my post about it but no inside photos. xx
