Monday 15 July 2024

Monday evening, 15-07-24

And here we are, pretty much half way through July already.  Good evening, all!

After a lovely trip yesterday, I went to bed and slept like a log.  Come the middle of the night (around 2:00 am) my mailbox and phone were hit by a small avalanche of messages, first from Deliveroo telling me I had added an address to my account, was it me? followed by a second message telling me the same thing (different address) followed by a message from Barclay asking me to verify a second Deliveroo purchase as mine - which I didn't see as I was fast asleep.  Then a message saying the second transaction had been declined as I didn't verify it . .  then Deliveroo . . .
Oh, you get the idea!

So, yes, someone had hacked into my Deliveroo account (which I hardly ever use) and fed themselves at my expense.  Probably a test run, the second attempt failed and there were no more.
I let them (Deliveroo) know the addresses weren't mine, changed my password, deleted the two addresses and then decided I may as well close my account seeing as I didn't use it.  So I did.  Goodbye Deliveroo.
Then I contacted Barclays fraud department and I have to say they were fantastic.  Really, really helpful. I know people knock Barclays but I've never had bad service from them.  My card was stopped/blocked, whatever the word is, a new card is coming within seven days and if the first payment goes through, she told me what to do to claim it back .  Now, that's a bit of a pain as I'm out at Buckingham Palace on Thursday and most of these places are cashless nowadays.  However, the details of my new card are on my Barclays app and I decided to be very brave and modern after a quick chat to Lindsey's husband, Rob (I was at circuits), and download the Google Pay app which I've never used before.
To test it, I went to Morisons and bought a small item that I knew I had the cash for and it worked!!  I think the checkout lady thought I was bonkers when I cheered but we had a laugh about it when I explained.  Woo hoo.
Of course the card will come tomorrow or Wednesday now but never mind, a bit of progress is a good thing.  Ain't tech great!

So that was today's mini drama and I don't like that sort of drama.  I will be keeping a very close eye on my account for the next few days but the card is dead so it should be OK.  Phew.

After all that, circuits was great, the sun was shining, I got two loads of washing done and dried before the rain came along and ironed it in the afternoon.  No housework apart from that.  I was still feeling a bit weary but I can do it tomorrow now I don't have to go into town to the bank to persuade them to let me have some of my money!  :-)

To lighten things up, a bit of a garden update . . .

The beans are starting to flower - these runners will have white flowers.  Cheers!

I picked a few blueberries today - very sweet.
So many tomatoes coming on.   I'm keeping a sharp eye out for blight.
Another cucumber to pick but I don't need it yet.
Come on, Japanese anemone.  buds.  Open up!
I wondered if this was in the wrong place.  It's quite hidden until you get close up.   
I noticed in the gardens yesterday that this seems to be a planting strategy so maybe I was just being clever!

And more flowering beans - dwarf ones this time.

Have a great evening and a good sleep.  Sweet dreams!  xx


  1. Sorry to hear about your card being hacked but glad it has been sorted out now. Catriona

    1. Yes, Barclays were really great and most helpful while Deliveroo hasn't got back to me yet. The payment that did go through is still 'pending' in my account but, apart from that, all sorted. xx

  2. Quite an ordeal but it seems like you have covered all the bases and are safe from any more abuses. A nice crop of veggies getting ready to ripen in your garden.

    1. Hope so, fingers crossed! The veggies are exciting - especially the runners and the tomatoes. Yum. xx

  3. The fraud departments are pretty good at keeping tabs on things. I'm glad your problems were quickly resolved . . . and you've learnt a new practice, too.

    1. Absolutely! That's always a good thing. xx

  4. I know!! Halfway through July already where is the time going!!

    I had a similar-ish scam on my credit card when we were on holiday a few weeks ago. I scanned the QR code for the carpark not knowing that a scammers sticker had been very carefully applied over the original. The first payment to come out was the exact amount for the carpark. The second a day later was for just over £30 and then I got a call from my provider asking if this was indeed me as another payment for a larger amount had been attempted but blocked. Like your bank the M&S credit card people were very helpful and cancelled my card immediately. I got a new one in just under a week. We have to have our wits about us all the time don't we. I have now cancelled lots of apps that I no longer use to nip anything like this happening in the future.

    1. We do, and it's good that the banks also have our backs as much as they can. Yours was a nasty one - after all, one has to pay the car park fee.
      It's a good idea to cancel stuff you don't use. I use my desktop rather than my phone but I do have a number of 'memberships' that I don't use and I'm going to go through them and cancel as much as I can. It makes life simpler too - after all, decluttering isn't just about material stuff. xx

  5. I am sorry to hear about the credit card fraud, but glad you got it all sorted out.

    I have never used Google Pay. :)

    1. It seems to be the same as Apple Pay only for Android phones. It's dead easy and I'm glad I have it while my card in in the post. xx

  6. That's definitely a drama you could do without. I'm glad it was all sorted quickly, and I hope you won't be waiting too long for your new card. Xx

    1. Still waiting but now I have Google Pay, it's OK. It should come Monday or Tuesday, I sincerely hope. xx

  7. Sorry to here about this nasty scamming happening to you, Joy. At least your card providers were quick to help and hopefully that will be the end of this unpleasant event.

    1. They were very quick nd very helpful. Deliveroo, on the other hand, haven't got back to me at all. Not very impressive. xx
