Monday 16 January 2023

Monday, 16-01-23

 Morning, everyone, and welcome to a new week.  It's cold, it's wet and it's windy outside - truly delightful!!! - but not to worry.  We haven't had any snow and none is forecast.  On the other hand, the temperature is predicted to drop to minus five or six overnight tonight so I will have the hair dryer ready to thaw a frozen condensate pipe tomorrow morning!

Starting with yesterday, well, I got it done.  Both my freezers are now pristine, frost free, well organised and I know exactly what is in them.  I have no idea how long this desirable state of affairs will last but, right now, I am pathetically pleased about it.  It feels . . . satisfying!
As Sue said, it was very much easier than I thought and didn't take all that long at all.  Doint it in two stages really worked.

I gave the gardening a miss but I did four loads of washing (including mop up towels, etc) so today ironing is on the list.

Other things on the list are the Monday Shimmy Snippet and, later on, the weekly circuits group.  It's quite a small group this week but that's OK.  Depending on how tired I am afterwards, there's always more cupboards to clear out and reorganise.
And the garden - if I want to brave the cold.  Which I don't!

Have a great day, everyone.  xx


  1. We woke up to a light covering of snow with much lower temperatures and snow for tomorrow. Top up shop of fresh veg and milk needed today so that will be my steps half done! Catriona

    1. That sounds very chilly! Hopefully, you won't get too much snow, not enough to be a real nuisance. xx

  2. Think my freezer needs a sort out but have been putting it off - so will have to follow your example - It is a lovely feeling to see it once its done - might not get around to it until Thursday though as only day will be able to dedicate the time to it.
    It's not snowed here ---- yet but has got so so much colder but was a lovely day yesterday it was beautifully sunny - but when I went out in it the wind was biting cold so didn't stay out long . Snow etc is predicted but do hope we don't get it . It looks lovely but it causes so much chaos. Have a great day !

    1. It's very nice to feel one is Setting A Good Example. It doesn't often happen!! :-)
      It's got colder and colder today but no snow, thankfully. I hope it's the same for you. xx

  3. It's a great feeling when freezers or cupboards are nice and organised and you know where everything is isn't it. I might get there myself properly one day!! Although just having the list of what food is in what drawer is proving so helpful already.

    Our day is gorgeously sunny but very cold, so I have all the washing generated after our weekend away drying on the airer and on hangers in front of the bedroom and living room French doors, making full use of all the lovely free warmth. It tried to snow briefly before and looked very pretty delicately floating down, but stopped within minutes.

    1. It really does feel good. I doubt I will ever be there for everything but the little bit I am on top of feels great!
      I've been drying inside too, by the window. it does make a difference.
      Hoping you had a good weekend. xx

  4. I'm not sure if you inspired me or shamed me but my chest freezer is now defrosted, cleaned out and I have a bit more idea of what is in it. I do need to get better at labelling things I put in it though as I think a few mystery meals will be on the menu 😂.

    1. The former, I hope - I'd not like to shame anyone.
      Well done, you!

  5. I would never have enough food to use to warrant having a freezer. Glad you finished yours.

  6. Thanks very much, Brenda. xx

  7. Ooh, I so need to sort out my baking cupboard, perhaps this week I'll get round to it!
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Good luck, Alison - I think those cupboards are particularly difficult. xx

  8. Would you fly across the pond and tackle my freezers? I think I need to use a few things up before tackling the defrosting. Hopefully before I can't put things outside while doing so.

    God bless.

    1. lol - I saw on your blog you've started using stuff up so maybe you can get it done soon. xx

  9. laundry here as well, but straight into the dryer, too cold to hang out.

    1. Too cold here too - I hang mine on a rack by the window, mostly, to dry in the inside warmth. xx

  10. Wow good for you for getting the freezers sorted. It is on my list, but as I've said I feel guilty about getting rid of the food. I don't suppose it does much good sitting in the freezer though and I know that, when it's done, I can start anew. Hopefully with meal planning taking place things won't get as bad again.

    1. Thankfully, there was very little I needed to discard. I hate wasting food too and it just seems so wrong to throw things out. Seriously, I have enough stuff in them to last me several months, which is awful really but usefully frugal too.
      Good luck.

  11. I should do the same. We just got a blanket of snow. If feels so peaceful outside. It's much softer and gentler than those storms were. You are doing great with your housekeeping.

    1. How beautiful that sounds; definitely much better than rough stormy weather. Stay nice and warm and I hope the wee squirrel is OK. xx
