Thursday 25 August 2022


Good morning, everyone.  After a right old storm overnight, I woke to see that there was a very odd colour to the sky, a sort of dull orangy pink.  I tried to get a photo but the camera wouldn't play ball with the colour.  Saharan and or something similar in the atmosphere, I suppose.  That's now cleared and it is just plain grey and gloomy and I am sure there's more rain on the way.  Yay!!  No need to water the tomatoes today.

Yesterday was, as expected, a very quiet day.  I pottered around the house, did a bit of this, that and the other, quite a lot of knitting and some reading..

Later on, I headed off to Lindsey's for personal training.  As always, it was very good.  Pretty humid though which made things uncomfortable.

Come the evening, I had a nice Messenger chat with Beth.  She's feeling loads better now; thank you for your concern, that's so kind.
We decided we were long overdue for a Girls' Evening together so, on Sunday, we're off out to Itsu which has recently opened where Pizza Hut used to be on the 'Hobbycraft precinct'.  Beth and Al have been several times but I haven't.  I looked at the online menu and it looks lovely - so fresh and healthy and delicious.
I've seen that brand in the supermarkets too - must try something from it.
Beth doesn't have to be home for work the next day (Bank Holiday!) so she's probably staying overnight.  Lovely!

Someone was asking about Little Pete.  Well, he is no longer little of course although he is small and always will be.  He's doing really well, full of the joys of life and an absolute delight, Beth says.  He has his own Facebook group, The Adventures of Peter and Friends, if you are interested - here's the link.

The photos below are lifted from there.

Cute, isn't he?

Today starts with the regular Thursday coffee and chat with Chris.  It is round at hers this week and will have to be indoors (it's even blacker now than it was when I started although the rain hasn't started).

Then, after breakfast, I rather fancy a little window shopping expedition.  I doubt I will come back with anything - there's absolutely nothing I need - but you never know and it's one way of getting a walk.  
One thing I would quite like is an autumnal wreath for the front door but I haven't liked any of the ones I have seen so far.

What are your plans for today?  Have a good one, whatever they are.  xx


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Sue. Mind you - if it continues raining as it is right now, I won't be going. :-) xx

  2. Oh, those ears! Just adorable. I'm glad Beth is feeling much better. X

    1. They really are so sweet, aren't they. xx

  3. I bet you could crochet autumnal leaves for a wreath that would be better than anything you could buy.

    1. I never thought of that. It's a thought, certainly. I'll Google. Thanks very much. xx

  4. Oh my goodness.. Lugsy Malone didn't grow into his ears did he :-) Enjoy that window shopping. I'm up to my armpits in paint and white spirit... and I don't mean gin or vodka :-)

    1. No, he didn't - and he won't now, I expect.
      Hope the painting is going well. xx

  5. Gosh Little Pete still hasn't managed to grow into those huge ears has he :-)

    Enjoy your day, window shopping sounds fun and much less expensive than the other sort of shopping.

    1. They're growing with him, aren't they.
      It was good fun, thanks. xx

  6. We've had rain overnight and some showers this morning and I too had a little cheer that I don't need to water the pots today!

    Glad to hear Beth is feeling better and that you have your girl's night out to look forward to on Sunday. I hadn't heard of Itsy so had a peek at the menu and it looks good. Couldn't see any prices though!

    Enjoy your chat with Chris and your window shopping if you get round to it xx

    1. I did, I'm just back. Slightly damp but I enjoyed it, thanks.
      I don't know the prices either but Beth said she and Alex have been several times so it can't be that bad.

  7. Lucy over at Attic24 has a post on crochet autumn leaves I think?
    Alison in Wales x

  8. We have similar thoughts. I have been thinking where I could get or make an inexpensive fall wreath. Something colorful.
    Also, I've been posting pictures on my blog of the feral kitten my daughter rescued - Arwen. Here's a link to a post with her picture at the end.

    1. Thanks, Debbie. Good luck with your hunt. xx

  9. I am happy to hear that Beth is feeling better. Ahh, Pete is such a cutie. Love those ears.

    God bless.

    1. He's a darling, isn't he. Such a character too and very affectionate. xx

  10. Cute cat! Glad Beth is feeling better. Can you change the white balance on your camera? Sometimes playing around with that setting helps boost the colours of sunrises/sunsets and makes them more true to what the eye sees.

    1. Never thought of that - doh! Thanks for the reminder. xx
