Friday 14 June 2013


The sun shines!  In fact, it started shining yesterday evening which was a very pleasant and welcoming sight after a dull, cold and windy day.  No rain though, just a few splashes and spots at intervals.  Not even enough to call a short light shower.  No thunder, no storms (I think my children were disappointed).  OK by me though.

Living Below The Line has officially finished now.  However, in one way it rolls on into today because there is food to finish off.  A slice of bread, two eggs, a portion of spag bol . . . things like that.  So today starts off frugal and ends with a big bang - steak, wedges , a salad and - yes, you've guessed it - some alcohol!
A very grateful and hearty 'thank you' to all of you who have sponsored us through the last five days.  It has been very much appreciated.  It looks as if we will have raised around £500, probably a bit more once the gift aid donations have been accounted for.  That's fab and much, much more than we ever envisaged.  if there is anyone else who would like to donate, here's where to go and thank you very much.

Today is SEN day and, as always, I have a long list of paperwork things to get sorted.  Then there's reports to finish off (on the home straight now) and a week's menus to plan, a shopping list to write, shopping to do . . . life goes on!

Have a good day!

The chives are looking lovely!

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