Wednesday 9 November 2011


. . . and what a day it was yesterday!  Raining almost all day, extremely dark and dull and quite hot and stuffy indoors.  It's very hard to get the heating right in a semi-open plan environment.  If it's right in one area, it won't be in another part.  And with the outside doors opening and closing all the time, there's no chance of maintaining a steady temperature, especially in winter.  However, there's nothing that can be done about it, so we plough on and Put Up With It.

For once there was no meeting after school.  That meant I was able to get my marking and assessment done and the books put away, thank goodness.  Today it's staff meeting and it's a NMD (No Marking Day).  Literacy is oral/practical, phonics doesn't usually generate marking at the moment, it's ICT suite after play and art in the afternoon.  NMDs are definitely a Good Thing.  And in case I heard a gentle whisper of 'assessment?', we assess as they work!

The weather looks none too hopeful for today at the moment.  It's still raining gently and feels chilly.  I suppose it would, after all, it is November now.  Fingers crossed that it brightens up for playtime.

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