Sunday, 23 February 2025


Good morning, everyone.  Sending Sunday greetings to you all.  We have sunshine here, as we did yesterday afternoon.  I really should have pegged my washing out but not to worry, they got fresh air anyway.

It's really nice to have everything back in place again.  The photo doesn't show the wall colour at all well, it is much brighter and peachier than that and the plants look great against it.

And look - I haven't killed the amaryllis that a friend gave me for Christmas as a bulb in a pot.  I need to find out what I can do with it once the flower does.  Dad used to keep them for years but then he had a greenhouse and knew what he was doing!!

It didn't take long for me to feel 100% again yesterday and, after the initial bustle and organising, I had a lovely, easy day. 
I'm knitting little things that I can pop in the Sally Army dropping off point - things like fingerless gloves, etc - until I decide on a new project.  I have a few ideas but most of them involve blankets and I have loads of blankets, not that this has ever stopped me before!!

Today, here's nothing in the diary so I am having another nice, easy day.  I have some ironing and will perhaps do another load of washing and I want to do my ten item decluttering but that's about it really.  Nice.

Take care, stay safe and have a really lovely day, everyone.  xx


  1. Your houseplants look fabulous, and you must be glad to have your house back in order again.
    Here's to a nice, easy day. Xx

    1. Thank you. All going well so far!
      What is amazing is that I haven't killed a houseplant for several years now. :-) xx

  2. That’s a lovely tableau of your plants and I like your wall colour. Catriona

    1. It's not totally accurate - self-correcting cameras and all that! :-) They look nice though, thank you. xx

  3. I'm envious that you keep the plants alive. I'm terrible with them.
    Sounds like you had a good day. It's nice to knit and donate!

    1. I used to kill everything. I have no idea what has changed but I'll take it with gratitude!
      I like that I can knit and donate. It]s just little things but I hope they help someone, somewhere. xx

  4. Your house plants are looking good against your newly decorated wall. Hope your day went well and was relaxing for you.

    1. Thank you. Yes, it was. No much to write about today (Monday), to be honest. xx
