Saturday, 1 February 2025


We're here at last - January is over and we're into February.  I know it is only two or three days less than every other month but it feels so much shorter than they, don't you think?

Yesterday, as almost always, was really pleasant, despite the dismal weather - cold and drizzly all day and I am glad I didn't have to walk anywhere.

It started with Slimming World - really busy and we have some offers of help on the social team as I am finding that queues are building up while I weigh and write up any certificates people have achieved.  Someone to write them out for me would be such a help and, also, to cover if I am not able to be there.  At the moment Heidi would be in a fix if both K (who does the registration stuff) and I couldn't come for some reason and that's not good.  It would be even worse if there were new members as there were yesterday - four of them!  It's turning into a very lively group.

Then I came home and got lunch prepared before going to pick Alex up - he usually walks over but it was miserable and, anyway, he was bringing over a load of washing.  I had a lovely chat with him - I think I am so lucky that my adult grandson likes to spend time with his old Nan.
I took him back with his pile of clean washing and collected another load.  Beth hasn't been well and the washing machine is being temperamental, so I am pleased I can help out!
That's all done now and I can take it back this morning - I have to pop into town anyway.

Today, being the first of the month, is time to top up he petrol and I'm going to Cook's to pick up my first order of frozen meals from them.  I now have my access to the SW app back again because I weighed yesterday and they all fit really well in the SW structure so I'm very happy about that!

Having a Needs Only Month worked so very well that I am going to do the same this month.  I wasn't 100%, especially this last week, but didn't actually impulse buy at all and I am rather shocked and embarrassed (but pleased) at the difference this has made.  
I have a few things in my Amazon waiting list but they can stay there for now.  If I still want them by March, then maybe . . .

One reason for carrying on with it (and increasing savings as a result) is because I really would love to do that Arctic cruise again next December.  I've been almost yearning for the snow and the cold and the stunning-ness of it all and some of the excursions are different this time.
And I have the specialist clothes - the yaktraks, the boots, the thermal wear . . .
I'm still thinking and will see how the savings go but - oh, I would so love to.

Well, better get moving.  I have an online SET class with Lindsey at nine fifteen and then I'm out doing the above mentioned stuff.  When I get home I have a pile of my own ironing to get done and away.  And I haven't planned my meals for this coming week - I MUST get that done.

Sorry for rambling and if you've made it this far, well done and thank you.  Have a lovely day and stay warm and cosy!  xx


  1. It’s lovely that Alex wants to spend time with you and great that you got his laundry done too. Catriona

    1. :-) I'm so glad that they live local to me. xx

  2. I love how your grandson Alex spends time with you and that you are available to help out.

    God bless.

    1. That's what Mums/Grandmas are for, isn't it. I know you are the same with your family too. xx

  3. Adult grandchildren are fine company. I really love mine.

  4. Sounds like quite a productive day. Lovely that your grandson is close to you. A cruise is a lovely incentive not to spend! I should come up with a 'reward' if I resist

    1. Well, I am still thinking about it really. Maybe I need to set some sort of target to hit before I confirm definitely. But it is something I would so love to do. xx

  5. Poor Beth, I hope she is better soon. Lovely that you were able to spend time with Alex.
    That Arctic cruise does sound tempting and you do have all the clothes and items needed. I hope you are able to go again.

    1. I am sure I will at some point - the question is, this year or next really. In some ways, next might be better - more time to save up without digging into savings. On the other hand, what are savings for? :-) xx
