I only found one more usable photo on my camera, part of the Games Hall. It's huge. To the right of this shot there is a full sized bowling green that could accommodate four games easily. To the left there's loads of small games, shove halfpenny tables, darts, and goodness knows what else while behind is the studio where all the fitness stuff happens.
Tuesday, 11 March 2025
I only found one more usable photo on my camera, part of the Games Hall. It's huge. To the right of this shot there is a full sized bowling green that could accommodate four games easily. To the left there's loads of small games, shove halfpenny tables, darts, and goodness knows what else while behind is the studio where all the fitness stuff happens.
Monday, 10 March 2025
10-03-25 - home, sweet home
Ditto for the car parks.
Five Lakes was a spa hotel before Potters took it over with quite a well known golf course .
One of the 'lakes'. I suppose Around Five Largish Ponds Spa wouldn't sound nearly as attractive.
Their bulbs are a little behind the ones at home but you can see they will look a real picture soon.
A very photogenic swan . . .
. . . and his/her mate (I presume).
How can you tell which is which?
A view of the actual hotel itself
Inside and poor lighting but not to worry.
To the right of the Garden Bar, a smaller stage where the hold the daytime quizzes, performances and games and the late night singsongs, etc,
Some of the fancy lighting.
They have some nice wall art. I'd love this in my home but I think it would be hard to smuggle it out in my handbag, don't you?
The Orangery, where the craft sessions are held.
There is, of course, a little shop,that sells all sorts of stuff including some rather nice sparkly things.
Was I tempted - of course I was.
Did I? Nope.
And, finally, here's the Mersea Suite where we had all our fitness classes apart from Aqua.
I did Groove with Lindsey, Abbacise and line dancing with the Potters team, went for a walk, played games and did a craft session - lily folding which is nothing to do with flowers and really not too difficult at all. I'll show you my effort tomorrow and here's a YouTube video that explains it.
Sunday, 9 March 2025
09-03-25 - still at Five Lakes
I'm afraid I have been a Very Bad Girl and don't have any photos to share with you. I've been too busy enjoying myself around and about the place and just forgot. Ooops.
I'll need to make half an hour or so for packing this afternoon. I like to get everything but what I need for the evening and tomorrow morning into my car so there's no feeling of rush on Monday morning.
Apart from that, it is unadulterated enjoyment doing just what we fancy. There's a few Potters run fitness things, all the quizzes, some crafting sessions and lots of sporty things like darts, bowls, archery, clay pigeon shooting, etc, etc, etc. We're spoilt for choice.
Have a lovely day, wherever you are and whatever you have planned, and be happy! xx
Saturday, 8 March 2025
08-03-25 - at Five Lakes
I'm afraid I rather overdid it - food, not alcohol. My poor old tum is not used to three courses in the evening and is complaining a bit right now but self inflicted and I did enjoy it.
Then it was off to the theatre for a game or two, some singing and The Show, which was songs from the musicals and very good, albeit rather loud.
Friday, 7 March 2025
Good morning, everyone. It was an absolutely glorious day yesterday. I had the back doors open letting the warm air stream in and it was a delight sitting out to sand the table.
First of all, for Jane:
I looked back through my other blog posts and this is the very first relevant one, the day I had my last meds review.
You can read on from there by using the 'Newer Post' link at the foot of the post/comments on the left - it's on the left as I see it anyway.
Having read through some of those posts again, I really must rer-make some of those recipes. It's too easy to forget!
I took a couple of photos of bulbs at the front. Very pretty.
Just a quick one this morning as there's plenty to do.
The sander arrived, it was easy to get to grips with and now two of the three coffee tables have tops ready for varnishing. They will have to wait for a few days though! For a start, I won't be here and anyway I don't have any varnish. I'm going to get one of those 'filler pen' things to deal with marks on the legs and around the edge.
I want to read up about varnishing first anyway.
Today I will be off to Slimming World as usual (no loss this week, I fear) before finishing packing, tidying up and setting off to Five Lakes. In the afternoon, Lindsey is doing an aqua class and then a Groove class and I would like to do both, if I can.
Then we all meet up for pre-dinner drinks before dinner and the evening entertainment.
I'll be posting as much as I can but don't worry if I don't - I will be back. Have a lovely day/weekend and fingers crossed for the weather. xx
Thursday, 6 March 2025
So - all good. It will be interesting to find out if my diet changes have lowered the 'bad' cholesterol - I do hope so, I don't want any arguments about statins.
Wednesday, 5 March 2025
It feels cold again this morning round here although I'm sure it will warm up soon enough - yesterday was lovely and warm inside, thanks to the sunshine pouring in through the big windows. Just lovely.
Contrary to general opinion, the receptionist at the surgery (Beauchamp House, for anyone living round here) is absolutely lovely. I needed to book a couple of appointments and the online thingy that we now have to use didn't allow for that and said I had to phone!!!
Anyway, she was lovely, understanding and helpful. 'Leave it with me', said she, 'And we will get back to you'. She checked my mobile number and made sure it was on my records that I don't take phone calls (it was).
Tuesday, 4 March 2025
Morning, one and all. Yet another cold, frosty and sunny start to the day. It's lovely!
I'm ridiculously excited - I have booked a place on a sourdough course in June. It's at Hitchin and I know Hitchin a bit as I used to go there shopping with Mum, especially to the market. We found some great fabrics over the years!
I suppose one could argue that this is a want, not a need, but I, like many ex-teachers, think quite highly of the concept of being a lifelong learner and that's behind a lot of these new things I try. It's not just the doing, it is the learning about and trying out. If you remember, when I first retired, I went on a few craft courses - felting was one and another was willow weaving. I've also gone to a number of art embroidery days and thoroughly enjoyed them.
One of my goals for 2025 is to have a healthy body and a healthy mind and I think this feeds (sorry!) very well into that, don't you?
And it's an experience - and it will be fun.
Here's the link to what it is. https://www.kneadanddesire.co.uk/courses
Yesterday didn't quite pan out as expected. I did circuits (good, as always), came home, had breakfast and then checked my messages to find one from Beth asking me if I could help by taking her and Ava (one of her cats) to the vet. Her car was having its MOT and service and they had let her down regarding a courtesy car.
It was a routine thing, not an emergency, but it is hard to get appts with the vet just like it is for the GP so she didn't want to cancel.
Difficult choice - helping Beth out or doing the housework!!!
When I got home, my parcels had arrived so I sorted them out and then got on with some more sanding. Slowly getting there and it is certainly easier with a sanding block, but still slow work.
As for Bubbles - nothing. The method I am following says not to feed until there are bubbles so I'm not, but I spooned a bit off into a new jar and will try feeding that from the start and see if it makes any difference - although, if it's not eating (shown by the bubbles), I can't see that adding more food (flour) will make any difference. It could either be called Squeak or Trouble
Oh, well. We plod on.
Today, the lovely Sharon is coming round to wrestle my hair into submission. I'm looking forward to feeling neat and tidy again. There's the usual Groove class and maybe I will get some housework done - you never know!
Have a great day. xx
Monday, 3 March 2025
Morning everyone. Another cold start today with plenty of mist but it should clear into sunshine this morning. I swear we have had more frost these last five days than we have the whole of the winter. I rather like a frosty start as long as it clears quickly.
We had a lovely sunset yesterday and I just managed to catch it. Not a brilliant photo and I was a bit late to the party but you get the idea, I am sure.
Yesterday was good. I bustled around getting things ready and realised that what was bothering me was fitting the trip to B&Q between starting the lunch and picking Beth and Alex up so I didn't go to B&Q, I went to Amazon instead! Coming today - sandpaper and a sanding block although I give you fair warning, I may very well end up getting a sander once I've got the feel of it. A friend did Beth's garden furniture a few years ago and she said it took a while, even with a sander. She also said they are not too expensive and she's right. A basic one isn't too bad at all and way, way less that paying someone to do it..
It was nice to have Beth and Alex round. We had a good old chat about stuff.
It was day six of Bubbles and she hasn't. She looks 'healthy', smells quite nice and has no mould. She is just sleepy, I guess.
Day seven is the day there should be a bit of live action but who knows? I have time and am learning patience, and the bottom line is that it's just flour and water and I can always have another go, if necessary.
I booked something - I realised that there's a live showing of the new Royal Ballet's performance of Romeo and Juliet with the MacMillan choreography, one of my absolute favourite ballets and music, in the Cramphorn Theatre in town So I have booked. I nearly didn't get a seat there were only a few left; the one I asked for I didn't get because it left one seat on its own and the one I have isn't going to be the best view but better than nothing - that'll teach me to keep a closer eye on local events, won't it?
It's in three weeks' time in the afternoon.
Today is the usual Monday schedule. Circuits and downstairs housework. Then some sanding to replace the dust I will have just removed from the table, assuming my order arrives in good time. Maybe it will feel mild enough to sit outside, well wrapped up, and do some sanding there. That would be nice. Also, there's the decluttering and the weed scraping but that won't take very long at all. Just a normal 'plenty-of-things-to-do' kind of day.
But first I must sort out the kitchen - I didn't exactly leave it tidy yesterday, bad me!
Is it cold your way too or are you getting milder and maybe wetter weather? And have you ever undertaken a wood furniture 'renovation'? How did you find it?
Have a lovely day. xx
Sunday, 2 March 2025
Live stream FREE half hour groove aerobics for Let’s Dance campaign
02-03-25: February review and March's aims
I've dolloped another sum into my Jolly Holidays account that has come from the Needs Only goal plus the 'pay myself first' sum that goes from bank to savings on the first - or, this time, on the third - every single month on standing order.
I'm still not sure how much certain things will increase by, both incomings and outgoings, but will keep an eye on things.
- To continue with the Needs Only spending. Tick and ongoing
- To continue using what I have in freezer, fridge and cupboards . . . Tick and ongoing
- Linked with that to move a specific amount across to short term savings at the end of the month. I have a specific amount in mind but won't be sharing that. Tick and ongoing
- To continue updating my spreadsheet every time anything goes out of my account so I absolutely KNOW where I am at any given point in the month. Tick and ongoing
- To continue with the Food Bank collection and, specifically, to check what's really needed and make sure I focus on that. Tick and ongoing
- To make a decision about whether to go for another cruise and to decide on a linked savings target to go towards that (I suppose you could call it a sinking fund but it will be on the spreadsheet, not a separate account.) Done - no cruise but three planned holidays, one this year and two next. Savings are underway
- To do one extra online SET class each week, if possible. Tick
- To continue with the decluttering. Tick, although it has slowed down since the redecorating - must get back on it.
- Resume the daily weed scraping when they start fighting back - and they will! They have. IU am!
So, all good. Some are really feeling more like habits so can vanish from the goals list with the proviso that they come back on again if necessary.
March's aims.
The ongoing ones from February plus:
- Resume the daily decluttering
- Get to grips with sourdough starter and baking
- Learn how to re-stain my coffee table tops - and at least get started.
- Find another knitting or crochet project.
Saturday, 1 March 2025
I've found a helpful YouTube video which I will link to for those of you who are interested. There's so much conflicting info out there, everyone seems to have their own way and it is easy to get confused; however, I find this guy sensible, practical and down to earth - and generous with his advice and ideas. Pop over and take a look if you're thinking about this.
Anyway, I do really want it literally to be a hands on thing as that's how we learn, I think.
If not, I am no worse off!
Thank you, Catriona, for sending me that shawl pattern. I love it, it could be something to make and take with me on my two holidays next year, for evening wear, maybe. I need to consider what colours . . .