Tuesday 21 May 2024

Tuesday evening, 22-04-25

Hello again, everyone.  It's been a thoroughly damp old day here today.  Have you had rain too or has our sunshine got up and migrated your way?

It started off OK - dull but dry - and Chris and I enjoyed our walk to Groove and back again without getting at all damp but the rain started soon after and it really hasn't let up all day.  It felt rather cold too although the heating didn't come on because I've turned it off now.  I just wrapped up and it was fine.

I felt a bit lacking in energy today so I got the housework done and then pretty much chilled for the rest of the day.  You know - reading, knitting, that sort of thing.

Thanks very much for your help with ideas for the day trip bag.  I've not got a nice list of Useful Things to keep in it to make preparations easier.  Much appreciated.

Sewing Bee starts this evening!  However, it doesn't start until nine o'clock so the question is, can I stay awake?  I don't HAVE to; it's on iPlayer and I'm recording it too but I would like to.  Fingers crossed.
Are you watching it too?

Night, all.  Stay warm and have a great night's sleep.  See you tomorrow evening.  xx


  1. I would have to watch it on my computer, but I really want to.

    God bless.

    1. I stayed awake and really enjoyed it . . . worth watching. xx

  2. Glad that you had a good day. It's been really hot here. I'm not ready for it and am already complaining lol

    1. Oh, dear. Maybe it will cool off a little bit at some point. xx

  3. I'm glad you got back before the rain came. It has just started here, so I have no need to water the veggies this evening. Xx

    1. That's a saving anyway.
      I won't be walking anywhere this morning and that's a fat - unless it cheers up dramatically! :-) xx

  4. Drizzle yesterday and rain today - all day, I'm told. It's a soft day, though, so pleasant in its own way.

  5. Not impressed by the first episode of Sewing Bee-what is the purpose of giving them such a short time to make a complex denim skirt and setting them up to fail. The upcycling challenge frustrates me beyond measure-all those t shirts would have been better used as clothes to wear or cloths for cleaning, than what they were used for. Catriona

    1. Al those button holes! But it did show up some glaring deficiencies in basic technique and pattern reading/following.
      All those knock out programmes are the same. Rush, rush, rush.
      And there are some clearly better sewers already. xx

  6. Hammered down with rain first thing yesterday and then again at teatime. It's absolutely bashing it down this morning. There's going to be some serious flooding if it doesn't stop soon. Hope to watch sewing bee on catchup.

    1. Oh, I do hope there's no flooding. That would be dreadful. xx
