Thursday 16 May 2024

Thursday evening, 16-05-24

Evening, all.  It's been another day of drizzle and a few spells of sunshine today and definitely on the cool side of things.
Despite that, I popped out to take a few photos of my plants which seem to be relishing the longer days and slightly warmer temperatures.  So here we go . . .

There's more out so I had to take another photo . . .
The strawberries were so poor last year, I intended digging them out and replacing them.  I am glad I didn't; they are laden this year.
Look at those.

Most of my back garden plants in the raised beds were thoroughly disturbed when the bed walls were repaired.  I reckon it has done them good.
The fig loses its leaves each Autumn but back they come again.
The bay bush was dead two years ago.  Obviously it had other ideas though.
Last year, I had four or five flowers.  This year there are fourteen - they got disturbed by the repairs too.
Thyme flowers are so pretty, aren't they.

And finally, every garden has its messy corner, I am sure.  Here's mine and I rather like it - it makes it look like a real garden!!

I did SET online first thing and then, after breakfast, I decided to go shopping - a house keeping sort of shopping, nothing exciting.  I was planning on going to Sainsbury's on Saturday but it's quite a full day and tomorrow is out too so, really, today was the only option unless I wanted to go Sunday.
It was one of those bigger shops when you seem to need other stuff apart from food - washing products, cleaning stuff, etc.  Not your every week sort of stuff although I had some of that too.  The bill was ouch but next week should be a lot less.  Swings and roundabouts!

I did splash out on something - these.  I have trainers and I have some open toed sandals but wanted something sunny-casual.  These are nice and should go well with everything really.  And only a tenner.

Then it was home sweet home to put everything away and get on with a bit of housework and cupboard sorting.  There's always at least one cupboard that seems to get itself in a right tangle while you're not looking, isn't there?

Oh, and while I was shopping, Chris and Steve arrived back after their cruise so I exchanged a few messages with her - she had a great time, she said, and I am looking forward to hearing all about it on Tuesday as we walk down to Groove.

Well, it is getting late (for me) so I will love you, leave you and wish you a good night's sleep with sweet dreams.  xx


  1. I ironed for most of the day to catch up after our break and to iron all the summer trousers etc that had been folded away. Catriona

    1. It can take for ages, can't it, but so nice when it's all done and eve rything is away neatly. xx

  2. Your plants look happy and healthy. Many of the same ones are blooming and growing in my mountain garden. Love those strawberries!

    1. They're growing really well this year. It makes us happy, doesn't it? xx

  3. I like those shoes. They go great with anything and are nice to wear in summer
    Lovely photos of the garden!

    1. I didn't set out to buy anything, I was just looking, but . . . xx

  4. It's amazing how far ahead things are in your garden compared to here when I'm less than 60 miles further north!

    1. We're further from the coast too - maybe that makes a difference. xx

  5. Lovely crop of strawberries and they're a good size, too.

    1. They taste so very sweet - can't wait. xx

  6. Wow, those strawberries are going to be lovely. I like your new casual shoes too.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I really do like them and I might possibly get another pair in a different colour - I'll wear them around for a while and see. xx

  7. I think it's going to be a good year for any established plants in gardens. After all the rain of Winter and the last couple of months, there is a massive amount of wetness deep down for their roots to find. And now the sun is making fleeting appearances it seems to be bringing everything on.

    1. Yes, I know what you mean. Everywhere is still soaking under any top dryness and, with plenty of showers forecast, is likely to continue. I also think giving the plants a bit of a jog along with the wall repairs has helped. It's the same in all three beds. xx

  8. It looks like you'll be enjoying a good strawberry harvest. Xx

    1. I really do hope so - I love fresh picked strawberries. And there's Lathcoats PYO too - it shouldn't be long before that gets going too. xx

  9. I love your Clematis! Do you know what variety it is? Your messy corner is very tidy! My compost area is nowhere near as tidy! But I have three compost bins and I am working towards not buying any bags of compost. That’s the plan, anyway!
    Have a good day!

    1. It's called Clematis Ooh La La and it is lovely, isn't it. It seems to thrive in the more shady spot which is good because that's where it is staying, and it does brighten up that corner and takes the eye away from the compost bin, etc.
      Good luck with your plan - it's a good'un!

  10. Wow you are going to enjoy a bumper lot of strawberries this year. Mine are new this year so there may not be much fruit. However there are plenty of runners so they must be settling in well.

    1. Sign of a happy strawberry plant - they want to bring up their babies there. < grin > xx
