Friday 3 May 2024

Thursday evening, 03-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  Well, it has been a very idle and restful day.  I've done a bit of work in the kitchen but mostly it has been about resting and, from time to time, snoozing (not that often).
I got a few organisational bits and bobs sorted out and invited Beth and Alex over for Monday lunch as it's a bank holiday.
It's been a good day for staying in as it has rained pretty much the whole time.  Not nice.

There isn't much else to say really.  I'm feeling surprisingly weary, given the lack of exercise during the day, and I expect I'm going to sleep well.  Hope so anyway!

Has your day been good?  I do hope so.  Sleep well.  xx


  1. It's been a long and busy day at work for me, so I'm looking forward to the three day weekend.
    I hope you'll feel better for another good night's sleep. Xx

    1. It's weekend now - wishing you a really good rest time. xx

  2. We went to the College where my daughter lectures for a lovely lunch with friends today.The young people did so well with service and presentation of the food. Good start to the weekend. Catriona

    1. That sounds lovely. Good for them. xx

  3. I was so happy that I did not have lots to do today. My back was terrible this morning, but after a bit of stretching and walking around the house has gotten much better.

    God bless.

    1. Oh, Jackie, your poor back. I'm glad some gentle movement eased it somewhat. xx

  4. Glad that you had a restful day! Sometimes we really need one of those!

    1. I agree - and I count myself very lucky that I can take time out when it's needed. xx

  5. Sometimes the weather affects how we feel. When it's changeable, we can't adjust to it. I'm talking about temperature here - there's not a lot of change in the rain!

    1. It's very possible. It is lovely and sunny here at the moment which is very cheering. xx

  6. I've also been feeling a bit weary this week. Not walking the dog has had an effect plus my hayfever has kicked in with this good weather we've had. Hope you're feeling better today :-) xxx

    1. And you've got an awful lot on your plate right now too - I am feeling better, thank you, and I hope you are able to have a good rest over the next few days. xx

  7. It feels good to have a long bank holiday weekend - even though we're retired! And the weather is good here, for a change - hope it is for you too. Enjoy your lunch with Beth and Alex xx

    1. It always does, I agree. The sun is shining here right now although I gather it is due to rain (again) later. I'm enjoying the sunshine while I can. :-) xx

  8. Glad it was a restful day. I didn't get much sleep as we got back late from my husband's singing concert at his school and had to eat dinner. Then, I was rudely awoken by him frantically raging around our bedroom trying to pack for Duke of Edinburgh expedition around 6am or earlier -grr!

    1. Thanks. And Grrr indeed. Hope it all goes well for him. xx
