Tuesday 28 October 2014


Good morning!  I have no idea what the weather is like as I've not looked out.  I'm being very decadent and typing this on the laptop in bed which feels very lazy.  Shame I don't have a maid to serve me my coffee, isn't it?

I started on my freezer audit yesterday and managed to get the contents of the front opening freezer sorted, more or less.  That, of course, is the easier of the two but it's the one I tend to put the soups and meals in so it was very helpful.  All I shall say is that I shouldn't need to do much meal shopping until way after Christmas.

I rootled in the chest freezer a bit and found a chicken I was looking for months ago.  I think I will have that next weekend.  I also found some packs of beef mince so must have a think about that to make with that.  I might keep it until Christmas and make something to contrast with the turkey.

I also started on my next knitting project - a little cardigan/jacket made in a nice basket weave stitch that took me ages to get into.  It shouldn't have, it is dead easy, but I was very tired.  Got it now so should make progress today!

The aches are lessening, thank goodness.  I slept well which is the big thing.  I'm hoping to go shopping today, with friends, so can't let a few aches and pains get the better of me.

But first - coffee!


  1. Sounds like you are having a lovely half-term bar the fall at Morrison's. Poor you, that sounds very painful indeed! Often one doesn't notice the after-effects of such falls until a while later.
    You are quite right to draw Morrison's attention to this - it does sound hazardous.
    Do hope the aches and pains are easing up now - you're right, Ibuprofen really does help.
    Take great care! S.xxxx

  2. Thanks, I am having a very pleasant time. A shame it is almost over!
    J x
