Monday, 5 August 2019

Monday - the last post

. . . probably.

Not for ever, of course, just for nine days or so.  I have failed to work out how to post photos into blogger although simple text seems to work OK.  Text without photos isn't great but better than nowt so there may be a few laboriously typed posts from time to time but that all depends on whether I can get a connection.
What is really frustrating is that it it dead easy to get a photo into Facebook, so why . . .
Son Dave, who is now here until leter on today and, I hope, sleeping sweetly, reckons that it might be some sort of incompatability issue

Also, I haven't worked out how to access other blogs that I follow so please forgive me for not reading/answering and I will catch up on you all when I get home again.

Look what I got after I arrived home yesterday.  I had the runners for dinner plus the two big tomatoes (delicious) while what's left of the others I will take with me to Suzanne tomorrow. for dinner.

It's nice to put the woven trug to good use again.

Today is hectic, to say the least.  First of all there's two lots of tuition after which I have to go into town.  Then I need to be home so someone can come and give me a quote for cleaning out the gutters, something I don't want to tackle myself.

And, of course, there is packing, sorting out the frudge, tidying . . ..  It's all go chez moi today!

ENjoy your day.  xx

Edit:  re the holiday photos, find me on Facebook, if you like.  I will post some photos there through the week, probably.


  1. Well, you're doing better than me, Joy - I can't post even simple text on Blogger on my phone, for some unfathomable reason. Although, like you, I can do it on FB.

    Enjoy your busy day - and, of course, your holiday! xx

    1. I think I had unrealistic expectations of what a phone can do really. It's better than my phone and text one, for sure, and it seems to be quite possible to get photos off it and onto a PC (I will try that through the day at some point - fingers crossed) so I'll manage. It won't be replacing my trusty camera yet though.

  2. Have a lovely holiday Joy. I terrible trouble with my new phone but as I am all Apple I gave them a call and it was fixed in milliseconds.

    1. I don't do phone very well because of my terrible hearing! It's a pain.

  3. Have a lovely holiday. I'll look forward to seeing photos on your return

    1. It porbably will mostly be when I get home. Thanks, SUe, it's excitingly close now.

  4. I looked online about the photos not loading issue and it appears to be a known problem if using either the Blogger app or the Google app. The solution for some is to use Google Chrome (rather than just Google) and this change was recommended by Blogger!

    To view your list of blogs you follow, scroll down to the very end of a post and select 'view web version' - this should allow you to at least follow the links in your side bar.

    Hope this works for you. Have a great holiday xx

    1. Thanks - yes, that worked. I tried it first on the tablet and then on the phone. The issue is that I have no data package on the tablet (it was a freebie) and everything is tiny on the phone but never mind, it worked and that was really frustrating me. Now to just work out how to upload to PC/laptop (which you can do, I just haven't tried it yet) and all is lovely!
      Many thanks.

  5. There is an alternative of course, you could go wifi, telephone, blogger free for a week. Just imagine, a holiday back to the days before computers and phones.

    Whichever way, have a wonderful time and may the weather and traffic be kind to you! xx

    1. Mmmm - it's an attractive thought right enough. We will see. I might not have all the much time for that sort of thing anyway.
