Saturday, 30 March 2019


Good morning, everyone.  After a glorious day yesterday, it was quite hot in my bedroom so I opened the windows a bit before I went to bed and woke up this morning feeling cold!  The weather seems to be turning a bit although it won't be that chilly down here, it rarely is!

After a very stressful and distressing day on Thursday, yesterday was much better, more hopeful and encouraging all round.  Mum may continue to be very poorly but, my word, she's a fighter!

John goes back to Scotland today - it's been lovely to have him down but, like me, he has responsibilities and a life at home and needs to get back.  He did a bit of shopping yesterday and came back with a bottle of cider for me.  It didn't help the healthy eating but I don't care, it was delicious and very thoughtful of him.

I go home tomorrow late afternoon/early evening.  I dislike driving in the dark (or near-dark) but, as the clocks go forward tonight, that won't be a problem.  I've cancelled some of my 'stuff' for next week because I think I need a more gentle week, but other things will continue as usual.  No pottery as that's now finished for the term, but I have some air drying clay so may very well do a bit of playing around with it or I might even buy some 'proper' clay and make things to the first firing stage to take back with me when classes resume.

I've given my 'parents' the option of tuition or not as it's the last week of term and I hadn't intended to offer holiday sessions this time anyway (apart from the 11 plusser).  Some have accepted and some have said leave it until the new term so it's an easier week all round.  That, plus a few sessions out in the open air at the allotment and in the garden, maybe a bit of swimming and getting back on the SW plan properly again should really help to clear my head.  I will have gained weight, I know that, and delayed reaching target by a number of weeks but it's just a setback, not the end of the story.  I'll go on Thursday, find out the worst and carry on down that old road.

Well, I see my coffee mug is empty so I had better stop rambling on and start the day with a smile and a bath.  Have a good Saturday, everyone, and may everything go well for you.

And remember - we spring forward tonight!


  1. I'm glad you're feeling a little brighter, Joy.
    Yes, it did turn chilly again yesterday. I was hoping to do some planting this weekend but it might have to wait a while longer.
    Thank you for the reminder about the clocks. I might alter my alarm clock now and then I won't forget. X

    1. Thanks, Jules, I am feeling more myself again, thank goodness! Good ideea about the clock - just remember that, for today, it's an hour fast! :-)

  2. Lovely chirpy blog Joy hope things continue to improve all round

    1. Thanks, Diane.
      I gave myself a bit of a telling off yesterday and it seems to have worked, thank goodness.

  3. I think under the circumstances being off plan is totally acceptable. Glad to hear your mum is a fighter! Fingers crossed the weather is good as being outside is always good for the soul xxx

    1. It truly is - bird song, fresh air, sunshine. It lifts the spirits and makes the heart sing.

  4. I know it's a catch-22 with the eating. You need and deserve your comfort food at a time like this, but it won't make you feel any better at all if you gain weight when you've been doing so well. Why does healthy eating have to be so hard! So glad you're feeling a bit better!

    1. Thank you, Sue. I agree, it really is a bit of a vacious circle.
