Tuesday 2 July 2024

Tuesday evening, 02-07-24

Evening, everyone.

First of all, I have a questions for you lovely people.
I'd like to get a sunshade/parasol thingy for the garden (maybe that is wishful thinking right now but . . . )  However, I find those weighted bases a right pain to move about and it would need to be portable because where I would want to use the parasol is where I put up the rotary washing line (which I take down and put away after each use, I don't leave it out).

So - my questions is - do you think I could get a parasol and use the hole for the washing line to stand it in?   Does anyone do that or know of someone who has made it work?  
Personally, I don't see why not but I've never heard of it done before and when I googled all the answers were for the other way round - can I use a rotary washing line in a parasol base (no, not really)?  
All advice gratefully received.

Well, the tooth is filled after a double dose of anaesthesia and a lot of questions about the pain.  He's sorted it for now and has used some sort of medicated something-or-other to help the nerve to - er - calm down (does that make sense?) but he recommended root canal work so I have another booking for September.  One hour's worth - now won't that be jolly?  And expensive - ho hum.
Right now, I am just glad it's been sorted, however temporarily.  That's good.

Another good thing today - I got an email from British Gas telling me I was in credit (which I knew) and that they were giving me a refund.  That will pretty much cover today's dental treatment so I'm well pleased with that.

I'm not sure there will be a post tomorrow evening as I'm off to Canterbury for the day.  Fingers crossed that the weather plays ball - it's not looking that amazing right at the moment.  I've pre-booked tickets for the cathedral - of course - and the Roman Museum and there's a House of Art and Knowledge that looks interested.  Add to that the shops and somewhere to have my picnic lunch and that's the day pretty much filled, isn't it?

Sleep well, everyone, sweet dreams and have a lovely day tomorrow.  xx

Monday 1 July 2024

Monday evening, 01-07-24

Evening, everyone.  June is over, July has arrived and the weather seems to be turning.  To be fair, it's been quite nice for most of the day.

We even had some sunshine this morning.

However, as the day went on, it got gloomier and cloudier and the washing took longer to dry than it should have.  Not to worry - the egg chair is covered over again now, the washing line is away, the clothes are dry and ironed and a bit of rain would be good for the garden, for sure.

Tomorrow is Dentist Day.  To make sure I hadn't forgotten (fat chance of that!), the surgery phoned me this morning to remind me - or, as they put it, a courtesy call, etc.  Anyway, the bad tooth seems to have given up for now.  Saturday afternoon was pretty horrible, yesterday there was one short spell of ouchiness and today, hardly a twinge.  It was such a relief not not have to pop the pills; I have had far too many in recent days.

Apart from the washing, I enjoyed circuits first thing (in the sunshine) and downstairs is as clean as it is ever going to be.  I even tidied up my desk and did a fair bit of filing stuff away.  I always mean to keep up to date with paperwork but . . .

Have you had sun, cloud or rain today?

Time to shut down and chill for the evening so I will, as dear Diane used to say, love you and leave you.  See you tomorrow.  xx