Thursday 4 July 2024

Thursday evening, 04-07-24

If not, there's still time (at time of posting) - off you go!

Good evening, everyone.

A tooth saga update.  Apart from some aches from a slightly bruised jaw, absolutely nothing - no twinges, no need to avoid hot or cold stuff, I can chew on that side again.  Bliss.

I had a shockingly bad night's sleep though which was surprising as I was shattered after my trip.  I think I could perhaps put it down to painkiller withdrawal symptoms - seriously.  For the past goodness knows how many weeks, I have been taking the tablets, not up to maximum dose but far more than I was happy with.  They say they are a bit addictive, don't they, so maybe.
I was achey too, maybe due to holding myself so tensely in the torture - dental chair on Tuesday plus a very energetic day yesterday.  Who knows but I bet I will sleep well tonight.

Here you go - first cucumber now picked and there's another not far behind.  Luckily, I really like cucumber, especially on its own or with a flavoured vinegar.
I had salad planned for both lunch and dinner too.  Very tasty!

Because yesterday I was out, Lindsey very kindly fitted me in for personal training this morning so I turned up at hers at 8:15, had my session, enjoyed a coffee and chat and then did the first two sections of the SET class before coming home, getting changed and popping over to Chris' for coffee and chat.

After breakfast (I have it around 11:00 usually), I went to B&Q to look at parasols (not much at all, quite disappointing) after doing my weekly shop a day early at Sainsbury's and topping up with petrol.  I'm really trying to just top up once a month so I can monitor how much I use - when you top up as and when, it makes it harder, doesn't it?
Anyway, that's my weekly shop and the petrol top up done and dusted.

I knew it would happen.  As soon as I sat down after lunch, I went to sleep!  Fortunately, I didn't sleep too long so I'm feeling nice and tired now, the aches have gone and here's hoping for a good night - for us all.
Night!  xx


  1. I agree about the painkillers. When I was ill in April I noticed that I couldn’t sleep well when I stopped taking them. I took some after my shingles jab earlier in the week but only for two days. Catriona

    1. Interesting - the packaging does warn you, I believe. I was very careful with the co-codamol, only taking it when I really had tgo and that wasn't often. Chris got me some when my back went and I had plenty left so that was OK.
      Thankfully, I have had a brilliant night's sleep. A great relief. xx

  2. I used to work in a pharmacy and that's why you are told to only take co-codamol for 3 days as it is addictive and can give you constipation among other nasty side effects. Have you tried The Range for a new parasol. We also need one, our last one was a Carling Advertiser one which daughter 'nicked' from a pub during her Uni days, its fallen apart and as we are moving its gone on the tip pile. Xx

    1. Yes - that's another thing. My system was 'getting back to normal' yesterday (it's Friday now) which is a great relief.
      I thought of the Range but that means a trip into town and - well, lazy me, I couldn't be bothered. I've got one comin from Amazon and have decided that if the rotary line hole fails, I will get a base. Hoping I won't need to though. xx

  3. I hope you sleep better tonight. Although, I expect it is a huge relief to at least be pain free now.
    My parasol is currently out of use. It also needs a new stand, but we need some much better weather first. It's only 14 degrees here, and very windy. X

    1. I did and yes, it is an enormous relief. You don't realise how tense you are all the time, waiting for the pain to start up.
      I slept like a log, thank goodness.
      Wind and parasols just don't go well together, do them. I have always felt 'beach wind-break' is a bit of an oxymoron - or perhaps I mean an impossibility. Wind wins, every time. xx

  4. Glad to hear you're all sorted again and can relax. I hope the parasol comes up to expectations and that you are actually able to use it.

    1. It's just arrived and it's looking good. xx

  5. Yes, I agree about the painkillers too, I've often found that to be the case.
    Hopefully you'll catch up on your sleep tonight.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. I slept really well over Thursday night, thank goodness. No staying up to watch the election results for me, thank you! Feeling much brighter today and hoping for another good night. My 'system' is unbunging itself too (if you will excuse TMI).
      Wouldn't want to be without the painkillers though!xx

  6. I hope you feel better now, Joy.
    Painkillers can be addictive.

    1. Yes - unfortunately. I'm fine now, thanks, Nil. It was just a temporary thing. xx
