Tuesday 2 July 2024

Tuesday evening, 02-07-24

Evening, everyone.

First of all, I have a questions for you lovely people.
I'd like to get a sunshade/parasol thingy for the garden (maybe that is wishful thinking right now but . . . )  However, I find those weighted bases a right pain to move about and it would need to be portable because where I would want to use the parasol is where I put up the rotary washing line (which I take down and put away after each use, I don't leave it out).

So - my questions is - do you think I could get a parasol and use the hole for the washing line to stand it in?   Does anyone do that or know of someone who has made it work?  
Personally, I don't see why not but I've never heard of it done before and when I googled all the answers were for the other way round - can I use a rotary washing line in a parasol base (no, not really)?  
All advice gratefully received.

Well, the tooth is filled after a double dose of anaesthesia and a lot of questions about the pain.  He's sorted it for now and has used some sort of medicated something-or-other to help the nerve to - er - calm down (does that make sense?) but he recommended root canal work so I have another booking for September.  One hour's worth - now won't that be jolly?  And expensive - ho hum.
Right now, I am just glad it's been sorted, however temporarily.  That's good.

Another good thing today - I got an email from British Gas telling me I was in credit (which I knew) and that they were giving me a refund.  That will pretty much cover today's dental treatment so I'm well pleased with that.

I'm not sure there will be a post tomorrow evening as I'm off to Canterbury for the day.  Fingers crossed that the weather plays ball - it's not looking that amazing right at the moment.  I've pre-booked tickets for the cathedral - of course - and the Roman Museum and there's a House of Art and Knowledge that looks interested.  Add to that the shops and somewhere to have my picnic lunch and that's the day pretty much filled, isn't it?

Sleep well, everyone, sweet dreams and have a lovely day tomorrow.  xx


  1. I like your trips out almost as much as you do - you take some lovely photos. Have a brilliant time, and I hope the weather is kind to you xx

    1. What a kind thing to say. At half six am it's raining here but the forecast for Canterbury is dull but dry - that's fine by me! xx

  2. The weighted base for a parasol is quite heavy isn't it......I'm hoping someone can answer your question about the potential for interchangeable rotary line/parasol, I can't think of anything at the moment........
    Glad your tooth is sorted for now, root canal certainly seems The in thing now, like you say, pricey and lengthy.
    Enjoy your trip x

    1. Yes, it is a heavy object, not one I would want to get out and in regularly.
      All private dental work is expensive but that is exactly the sort of think I tuck away a reasonable chunk of my income into savings for. I may grumble about the cost but I can afford the treatment which makes me more fortunate than many. xx

    2. Sorry Joy, it was me , Alison in Wales x

    3. :-) I Thought it might be. xx

  3. Hmmm, I have never tried the hole where my umbrella line is situated for our sun umbrella. I can't really see why you could not if you can use the umbrella base for your line. Seems counter productive that it only works one way.

    Have fun on your trip.

    God bless.

    1. That's what I was thinking, Jackie - I can't see why it wouldn't. It would drop the height a bit but they're not that low anyway. xx

  4. Joy, I used to use a parasol temporarily when gardening. What I did was installing small PVC tubes (same diameter as the parasol handle) in the ground. They were flushed to the ground, and had screwed on caps so dirt wouldn't go in.
    I would simply open the cap and stick the parasol there.

    Now I have a shade cloth over the raised beds, so I don't use the parasol.

    1. That's really helpful, thanks, Nil. I think I might just get a cheap one to start with and see how that works. Not a cantilever one, of course - the hole is right in the middle of the space so that wouldn't work. xx

  5. Glad your tooth has been dealt with for now and hopefully the pain has gone too.
    Before purchasing, could you borrow a parasol from one of your neighbours just to try it out?
    Have a wonderful day in Canterbury, a guided tour round the cathedral is well worth it.

    1. Good idea although I'm not sure any of them will have one. I did have one ages ago but it got somewhat moth eaten.
      I didn't have a guided tour but I bought a 'walkers guide' that was really good. xx

  6. Norrie has just had root canal work done this morning-1 .5 hours and £150 on top of our monthly payment. Dentist told him to take Nurofen when the numbing wears off. Ouch in more ways than one. Husband says there’s no reason why the parasol won’t work but you may need to wrap something round the bottom to make it fill the hole for the whirly. Catriona

    1. I have some flexible wedges that I use to stabilise the washing line as the hole is a bit too big.
      Poor Norrie - I sympathise! Although, to be fair, apart from a bit of jaw ache, I have had no other discomfort at all today. I hope the nurofen did the trick. xx

  7. I hope you're enjoying Canterbury. It's decades since I went there and it was full of tourists then. The cathedral is beautiful, though.

    1. It was busy but, as you say, absolutely beautiful. xx

    2. Hi, I read and enjoy but don’t comment but I wanted to say that we use our parasol and rotary washing line in the same spike. In fact we have three in different places so that we can follow the sun ☀️

    3. Hi, thank you so much for commenting this time, I really appreciate it. I don't have the space to need three but what a good idea! Really helpful, thank you. xx

  8. I'm so glad your tooth has been sorted. At least you should be pain free until your next course of treatment.
    I'm not sure about your parasol query, but I've seen some people use a weighted planter with wheels attached to the base, and they look really nice. Xx

    1. Yes, it has made a big difference already. My 'system' is getting back to normal again after popping so many pills.
      The planter idea sounds great, thank you. xx
