Sunday, 6 December 2020


 Good morning, everyone.  
Contrary to my expectations, yesterday was quite a pleasant day.  Not warm but there was a lovely sunrise with a pink sky that led me to feel that we'd have wet weather but we didn't.  I stayed in though - it was a bit chilly!

I got the rest of the washing, drying and ironing done, which was good and then I spent the rest of the day just pottering really.  A bit of this, that and the other, some stitching, some catching up with recorded telly, some clearing out of old programmes so there's space for Christmas stuff . . . it was a very lazy Saturday, in fact.

Today looks to be more of the same.  I haven't yet made my usual Christmas list - a comprehensive account of everything I need to do, make, sort out, etc, before the day.  Typical items include the menu (usually it's for more than one day and this year I want to make the times on my own a bit special too) and things like 'find playing cards' or 'get Scrabble down'.
It's so helpful to tick things off as they get done and stops me from wasting even a moment trying to remember if or how much of something I have already achieved, sorted or made.  I feel as if today's the day for this, even though it will take up a lot less space and time than usual.

Beth's off up to Norwich to pick Alex up today.  As the uni is expecting a hoarde of parents to arrive during the week, they have allocated time slots.  Not usually a problem except that parts of the A12 are closed so she'll have to find another route and isn't sure how long it will take.  Oh, well, as we said, they're hardly likely to refuse her taking Al just because she's a few minutes late.

As it's the second Sunday in Advent, I've changed the banner.  The Guardians of the Christmas tree are all pretty old, the youngest being over forty, and they are very floppy around the neck so I knitted them some festive scarves to help their heads stay up.  It worked!

Today's musical offering for the blogmas Advent calendar is a song that I am sure you will know, When a Child is Born.  Croony-style singing isn't really my style but I do like this one.  


  1. I love your Xmas music choice.

    1. thank you, Diane. There really is some lovely music inspired by Christmas, isn't there?

  2. Another classic by another favourite. Thank you.

    1. I'm really enjoying posting these links, Joan. Thank you.

  3. I do like the guardians of your Christmas tree, especially in their smart new scarves. They look well loved. X

    1. I know I'm bonkers!!

      Yes, they have all been well loved. I used to take mine into school when we did 'Long, Long Ago' as a theme and the children used to say all the fur had been loved off. I did like that.

  4. An image springs to mind of the old women knitting by the guillotine - maybe that was the reason - scarves to keep the heads on!!

    Sunny two days in a row here - a lovely treat. Have a good Sunday afternoon

    1. Oh, goodness - what a thought. I have to say, that never for one minute crossed my mind!!

  5. The Guardians of the Christmas Tree are rather special and obviously well loved. How lovely that you'll soon have Alex home.

    1. They are, and have been, very well loved. Old teddies have a very specific vibe, don't they.
      Alex is home now. Lovely!

  6. Ahhh, another list maker!

    The Guardians look like they take their job very seriously.

    God bless.

    1. Indeed they do. They are very trustworthy and don't move from their post, day or night! ;-)

  7. Love your new banner. The Guardians of the Christmas Tree are adorable.

    1. Thanks. It's a funny little tradition but a nice one, I think.

  8. Lovely new banner. I hope Beth was able to pick up Alex okay and without too much diversion!

    1. She was, thanks. It took longer but it wasn't difficult. By half four or so, they were home and relaxing.
