Tuesday, 3 April 2018


Good morning, everyone.  Another wet start to the day here, just like yesterday.  I'm hoping that it will cheer up a bit.  I've checked BBC weather and it looks as if they expect the rain to be intermittent with dry spells in between, like tomorrow, but Thursday and Friday look much brighter. 

Well, I got out and did all the things I had planned yesterday morning.
Aldi was emptier than I think I have ever seen it which made shopping really nice.  I got other bits and bobs too, but no impulse buys.  I'm now well stocked with washing stuff for several months to come.

In Matalan, I was really pleased to get not only a parka for the summer (picture below) but also some target jeans (really target this time - I can't do them up now but give me another month . . .).  The parka is nice.  I can do it up when not wearing my jumper/cardigan but it's too tight when I am, so just right for the next four or five months and just exactly what I was looking for right down to the striped lining.
Taken from the Matalan site.

Then I picked up Beth and we drove to the allotment.  We were pleasantly surprised - OK, it's messy but nothing like last year's disaster zone.  The waterlogged grass needs cutting, the beds need weeding, etc, but the rhubarb is growing (Beth took two stems home), there are a few leeks that have survived, the chard (aka guinea pig food) looks very healthy and there are promising buds on the fruit trees.  We both felt motivated as we looked around and today, when Beth comes round for dinner tonight, we will have a good old plan together and then I can start spending time there during the week!

I got quite a lot of cross stitch done.  I like this one, although it's quite big, is is compartmental so easy to see where I am and if I've gone wrong at all. 

I've done the middle floor and the right half of the bedroom above that.   I'm still not totally convinced I have got the colours completely right but tough.  It looks OK and it's too late to change over now!

Today I have an early tuition session and then the day is my own.  If it dries up, I will get all muddy by tackling the little front patch as the baby weeds are growing rapidly now it's a little bit warmer.  I would like to get all the weekend washing ironed and put away and I need to tackle some piles of books.

Looking around, I realise that there's stuff that I haven't got round to taking to the charity shop so maybe that's on the list today as well.  The corner would look nicer, that's for sure, if I did.

I'd better get going now.  Bath and hair wash, get dressed, empty dishwasher, organise meals - all the morning routine stuff, in fact.  I think it's going to be a nice day today filled with positive and productive things.  Perfect!

Hope yours is too.


  1. The cross stitch will be lovely when finished. I hate it when the colours aren't marked properly. My last one was like that. It was a Bagpuss design and I'm not sure I got all the pinks and yellows right but it didn't turn out too bad lol.

    Hopefully it will stop raining. It sounds like it's going to be a pretty lousy week here too this week.

  2. I treated myself to exactly the same coat last week. I think we have similar tastes and a lot in common!

  3. It's frustrating, isn't it, Sharon. I sorted some by number of lengths but it didn'#t help with the browns/tans/golds. Oh, well, it's looking OK.
    I love Bagpuss!
    Eileen - snap! We have excellent taste, don't we? :-)
    J x

  4. That's a lovely smart, navy jacket, Joy. Just the kind of thing I like. I see you posted before 7 am this morning - my goodness, you do get up early! I'm still either asleep or mooching around in my dressing gown with the first cup of coffee of the day at 7 am! But it's lovely to be up early, isn't it, especially on a fine, sunny morning.
    Although you are retired, you do seem to do a lot of teaching work and helping in school, which is great. Your experience is not being wasted.
    Who is Beth? I've only come to your blog in the last month or so, so don't know some 'characters'.
    Margaret P
    PS Managed to hang washing on the line to dry - wonderful! How small things such as this please us out of all proportion!

  5. Hi, Margaret! I really like the jacket, it's my thing, definitely, and the colour will go with just about everything I wear. Navy is so versatile.
    Yes, I'm an early riser although later than i used to be. I'm usually down by 5:30 nowadays rather than 4:00!
    Beth is my daughter. We are very good friends nowadays and share a lot. Alex(ander) is my only grandson. Adult now and at uni reading maths. I'm extremely proud of his achievements as he has autism and was at a special school until he was 14
    I know what you mean about getting the washing out. It's a wonderful feeling.
    J x

  6. Thank you for explaining that, Joy. 5.30am. That's the middle of the night, girl! But I have bad nights sometimes, and last night was one of them, I was in the sitting room with News 24 on (Hardtalk 4.30 am) and reading and having a cup of tea before I returned to bed and managed to sleep until gone 8 am. I'm better in the summer and wake early with the morning light, I detest the long winter nights.
    I'm glad you and Beth at good friends ... you say "nowadays" as if this hasn't always been the case, but so glad you are now. As your parents are still alive, this means that this young man is their great grandson, doesn't it?
    Margaret P
