Tuesday, 17 January 2017


Good morning and welcome to a cold and frosty start to the day here in Mid-Essex.   I didn't manage another lie-in today but six thirty isn't so shabby, is it?  Not when the norm is between four and five anyway!

Yesterday turned into another dull, drizzly day with just a little bit of watery sun for a very short time.  I was hoping to dry things outside but not a chance!  Out came the drying rack instead.

I finished the bag I am making but haven't taken a photo of it yet.  I do hope the recipient likes it!  I certainly do and I might make one for myself!

I noticed that the school has started a club for year six called Knitter Knatter which is a knitting club.  I offered to help as you know me - I love knitting, so next Monday I will be heading off to school for half an hour of what will probably be hard work at first.  I'll take some knitting with me but I bet I won't get much done!

Today I am making bread, doing planning and, after granny reading with FS, doing the weekly shopping.  A nice, homey, productive day!  Lovely.

I hope yours is as good.

Today's food plans
B: porridge and fruit
L:  home made soup
D:  fish, home made wedges and peas
plus fruit


  1. Sounds perfect . I was glad to see chrissie back on line I was worried that I had been too stern with her she is good enough at berating herself without me adding to it.

  2. Great idea, the KnitterNatter club, hopefully they'll remember the good time they had when they've got homes of their own and join one (or two or three) in their area or even start one up. The one I attend has enhanced my life considerably, it's a mine of information, a fabulous ME time and incredibly supportive, not just on matters knitting but life in general.

  3. I was glad to see Chrissie back. There's some very nasty bugs going around this winter and they can leave one feeling quite down for a fairly long time. Not nice!

    I learnt to knit when I was about six or seven, just by watching my mum knit and trying to copy her. I didn't make anything much for while, just scarves for my dolls, but the skill stayed.

    This year's year 6 is children I taught in Y1 so I'mm looking forward to seeing who is there.
    J x
