Wednesday, 6 January 2016


Good morning again.  Time to wake up and get started - for me, anyway!

Yesterday - first day back at school - went well enough.  I ended up with no marking as the one piece of written work was marked by the teacher for assessment purposes.  The very littlies seem to have grown up a notch and are far more independent in lots of ways.

I was very tired though, come the evening.It's funny how you can cope with minor aches when things are busy but when you're tired . . .
Anyway, I had an early bath, to quote the late Mr Waring, and forced myself to stay awake until eight o'clock.  After than out went the light and I was out like the light too.  A lovely night's sleep!

Today is the first of four - no, three - mornings I am doing this month.  It was four but I am needed for supply on the last one so will be doing that instead.  Short and sweet but older children so there will be the dreaded marking to do!

Food:  Beans on toast and satsuma; home made soup and bread, apple; home cooked readymade from freezer (not quite sure what yet), yogurt and pineapple.

And now I must get ready for the day ahead.


  1. I can't wait till I retire!! Twenty two years to go!!!

  2. Not long then! It'll go like a flash! ;-)
    J x
