Monday, 3 August 2015


Good morning, everyone.  I think it is going to be another lovely day today judging by what I can see out of the window - clear skies and sun reflecting off the windows of the houses behind mine.

As expected, yesterday got warmer and warmer and in the end I put on the fans both downstairs and then, at bedtime, in my bedroom too.  It wasn't particularly hot by then but the heat builds up and my room gets sun most of the day.

I had planned to clear out a cupboard but I didn't!  I did have a go at making apricot jam in Thermione but that wasn't an unqualified success.  What I ended up with was a thick sort of textured syrup which will be fine in yogurt or on ice cream (if I had any ice cream) and will be fine on toast but which will 'run'. a bit.  I will have another go with the remaining apricots, using the conventional way.  Maybe that will work better.  I suspect Thermione just can't get the jam to a high enough heat for true setting point.

Apart from that I did more washing and ironing (I've just about caught up now) and snoozed quite a lot.  Talk about being lazy!

Today Beth is coming round and we will have a girly afternoon.  I'm looking forward to that no end.  Before then I have housework and I want to make some mini bread rolls too!

Ah, well, better get on and do!

Today's food:
Breakfast:  toast and ham/marmalade, yogurt
Lunch:  cheg and salad, coleslaw, potato salad, melon
Dinner:  mini burgers (from Aldi yesterday) in mini rolls, a few oven chips and a salad, fruit.


  1. Doesn't the sunshine make a difference?

  2. Ack - nasty site again....

    Anyway, good morning, this glorious here too. Washer is on. I've dug out some material to make Teddy a girlfriend! The sun really makes me happier!

  3. Grrr at nasty site!

    Yes, the sunshine makes a huge difference. I love my garden in the morning because the sun is the other side of the house and there are shadow pictures and dappled movements created by the leaves on the trees in the breeze. It is cool and gentle.

    I love that teddy on your blog, Rachel. He is a very handsome fellow indeed.

    J x
