Wednesday, 1 July 2015


It's going to be another hot day!
I love the way the weather predominates things whenever the temperature rises by a couple of degrees.  It is supposed to be very 'British' to talk so much about the weather but why not?  We are so lucky to enjoy a very moderate climate here that any extremes are bound to make news in a minor way.

Anyway - I am sitting at the dining table, the French window is open at my side and it is a beautiful early morning.  The sun isn't quite up and there is a breeze freshening everything.  I've just watered my patch so the air is aromatic and it all smells 'green'.  Lovely!

After a hot day yesterday I headed off to one of the local secondary schools for the second performance of the KS2 Summer Show, Cinderella and Rockafalla.  It really was a treat, something quite outstandingly brilliant in all sorts of ways.  The leads proved to have a talent for comic timing and those year 6s kept the audience laughing all the way through!  The singing was excellent, solos, duets and whole key stage and the dances were a delight.  Many congratulations to them all!

As I said in my other blog, today is complicated.

We have swapped PPA for one tomorrow so I will be with my class class all day.  However, this afternoon the juniors are performing their show to the Infants (as much as they can with restricted space) so that's the planning up the spout - not that I mind!.  Then, after school, it might be staff meeting (but it might not, I can't remember) and then there's some governor training in the evening (hopefully in the air conditioned hall).  The problem is, will I be able to get home between one and t'other?  Fingers crossed, because I have a guest and would love to spend some time with her.

Well, I'd better get going.  I have a dinner to prepare as there certainly won't be time to do it this evening!  And anyway, I need my coffee.

Have a good day and keep cool.  We have a fan in the classroom and it does help to keep the temperature reasonable on these hot days.  What is your favourite way to stay cool?


  1. If all else fails a cool shower then walk about naked and wet in front of the fan. I do look longingly at the pond!!!!!!

  2. LOL! A swimming pool would be lovely in this weather or even one of those tubs you can just sit in and chill!
    J x

  3. Not long now, and you'll have more time to spend with your friends. Jx

  4. :-) I will, Joan. That will be great!
    J x
