Tuesday, 30 April 2013


Another milder morning today with a clear sky and a lovely waning moon to wake to.  I haven't watched the weather forecast so I have no idea what's going to happen today but what does it matter?  The view from my window was lovely!  I consider I am very fortunate to live right on the edge of town with one house beyond me and then countryside.  One of these days, that will go as they build, but for now I am making the most of it and am grateful for it every single day.

Yesterday I coughed and spluttered my way through the morning.  I didn't need to talk so much in the afternoon as it was a more practical session but the after school meeting was a bit difficult at times.  Things are 'breaking up' though so I should feel a lot better and the Piriteze is keeping the itchy eyes, ears and throat at bay well enough!

On my walk home from school, I saw so many lovely things gently calling to me that spring was no longer peeping round the corner, she was here and prepared to stay for a while.  Lovely!  Here's a few reminders.

I particularly love this one.

Today is an odd day.  I have my class until play, then it's my key stage coordinator time, then, after lunch, there's an important meeting so I have supply cover.  And that's the day done.

I hope your day goes well.


  1. I see you have been out with the camera it is almost irresistible with all the lovely plants coming to life

  2. I have, yes. I was walking home from school and the beauty just struck me, so out came my camera (I almost always take it to school with me) and click, click, click. The blossom is so lovely and so very fleeting, sin't it?

    J x
