Wasn't it a blustery day yesterday? Very heavy rain showers and fairly high winds. F and I decided that she should not take them out for games, a decision that was more than justified when the heavens opened. They would have been absolutely soaked in the time it would take to get back to the classroom. Fortunately, all the playtimes were dry though. It seems a lot calmer today but much colder than before. Perhaps we are getting some proper winter weather at last.
I managed to get another drawer cleared yesterday morning while my breakfast was cooking. It really didn't take all that long and several utensils that probably haven't been used for years are now staring at the inside of the bin. Today is Twelfth Night, of course, so this weekend's big de-clutter is to deal with the remaining decorations, including the tree, and get them into the garage. I feel sad about this - the tree has looked beautiful and lights up a corner very attractively, but time moves on and Christmas is well behind us now.
I was thinking of my 'eye for detail' project and realised that, while the name describes what it is quite well, it's not grabbing me. So I've changed it. From now on it will be 'Clutter Corner'. After all, it mostly is corners that seem to accumulate clutter, isn't it? The idea is to deal with these little piles of clutter before they become big piles of clutter! This weekend's is a corner of the kitchen - yes, I know I said the kitchen was tidy and clean, and so it is really, but this corner has been there for quite a while and is so familiar it doesn't catch my eye much. Definitely time to deal with it!
Now that there's room for the books (there are loads of cookery books in the basket right in the corner) upstairs, I can clear it properly and it really shouldn't take all that long either. Plenty of stuff to throw out too. If I get some stick on hooks from Morrison's or Sainsbury's, I could hang that little bag of bags inside the big cupboard, the glass jars need to go out to the shed (they are the re-useable remains of when I sorted out the fridge and chucked the past use by date stuff out) and the lights do have a home already - just not there!
OK, well, better get on and make breakfast, have my bath, get dressed and set off for school. Have a good day, everyone.
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