Monday, 2 December 2024

Blogmas day 2 - snuffle, snuffle, a-a-a-chooooooooooooooo!

 Yup - the seasonal cold has landed.  It's been threatening with some sneezing and a slightly sore throat overnight for a few days and yesterday it hit.  Can't complain (even if I do); I haven't had a cold for ages and much better now than in three or four weeks' time.  AFter a rough night, I am taking it easy today.

Just wondering what the record is for number of sneezes in a minute - I must be close.  🤣

Beth and Alex left around eleven yesterday and I did a bit more getting stuff out and about. Up went the window bunting that Beth made all those years ago, out came the candles - some of them, anyway - and down came the presents.
I didn't get out the cushions because they are in the garden room cupboards and I didn't have the energy.
However, I did change my sheets and now have the winter bedding on and I swept the living room carpet because it was a bit 'sheddy' from the tree.
And I did a bit of washing.
That's enough for one day!

A few more photos - and if you have any doubts about my sanity, keep your thoughts to yourself, please.  Tradition is tradition.

The Guardians of the Christmas Tree (I know - infantile really).
From left to right, my brother, David's teddy bear, son Dave's teddy bear and my teddy bear, Tubbalina - and I really don't care if you think it is childish!
It is family tradition, OK?

The Faithful Attendants of the Guardians.
(just don't say it, OK!).
I've started knitting my own gonk which will join them when it is finished.
The pressies are under the tree.  Not as many as in bygone days but they do finish the tree off very nicely.

And Santa and Mary Christmas are keeping a genial eye on proceedings.  :-)

(Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without Jean Greenhowe, would it.  Such lovely patterns)

Today's M&S calendar does not hit my spot.  It is a little bottle of bright red nail varnish.  I would love to be the sort of person who always has beautifully manicured nails but I am not.  I keep them clean (of course) and not too long and that is about it.  I have tried and even paid to have them done a few times but the effect never lasts (and gel nails are definitely a step too far!)
I might take it into SW on Friday and see if anyone wants it.  I know my friend, Diane, has lovely nails but they are gel nails, professionally applied and neither Chris nor Val colour their nails.
Can't win 'em all, can we?  

Today's Advent of Change is supporting a charity called 52 Lives and it says 'Today you have sent a kind card and a Christmas gift to an elderly person living on their own.'
I am keenly aware that, if things had been different, that might be me.  I'm fortunate - I have family and friends close by and I have my health (for now) but one never knows what the future holds.
I thought it would be good to post a link to each day's charity (where I can find one) so you can learn more if you are interested.
So here's today's link:
And here's yesterday's:

And I've started the puzzle.  It's a bit of fun each morning.  :-)

Today, I have circuits and then a dental appointment.  I really don't feel up to either but will phone the dentist to see what their policy is regarding turning up with a nasty cold.  I don't think it is covid but will do a test before I phone and then see what they say.  I suspect they will say 'come in' and I'd like to get it done really.
However, I won't be going to circuits.  Poor Lindsey - that's five of us who can't go for one reason or another.

Have a great day, everyone.  xx

Today's advent music couldn't be anything else but ' It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas', could it?
There are plenty of choices on YouTube but I have chosen Michael Buble's version.  Very croony!


  1. I like Michael 'Bubbles', and that's one of his best and your home certainly looks a lot like Christmas already

    1. He has a very good voice, doesn't he. Lovely to listen to. xx

  2. Looking forward to your Gonk, they are adorable. I like all your guardians, attendants and memories and everything that has a meaning to you and yours. That's what it's all about!
    So sorry about your cold but as you say, rather now than in three week's time. x

    1. Yes, it really is important to have those memories and associations, not only for Christmas.
      Definitely better now - and it really is just a cold. Rest, stay warm, drink plenty of fluids (not alcohol!!) and take the meds iof really needed. Could be a lot worse. xx

  3. Get well soon. At least your surroundings are cheerful and welcoming.

    1. They are. And fleecy blankets are a great consolation. l0l xx

  4. Hope your cold soon passes and it doesn’t keep you away from your activities. I’m glad you’re knitting yourself a gong too-I often make things for other people and have no time or energy left to make them for myself! Catriona

    1. I know what you mean. I can take it with me to Knit and Natter on Wednesday, assuming I go. xx

  5. I would never dream of questioning your sanity, I think it on the same level as mine. ;-)

    I like your jigsaw Advent calendar, it's not a bad way to start the day doing a tiny jigsaw is it. I only remembered my Jacquie Lawson calendar this morning, so I am already playing catch-up.

    1. LOL - fair enough!!
      It's a very nice way - it focuses the mind wonderfully without too much brain ache. Perfect for a Bear of Very Little Brain. :-)
      On the JL calendar, the snow storm has started! I like the way it builds up and looks pretty!

  6. I love Christmas, and though I don't have many sentimental items, I do tend to go heavy on the stuffed critters. My daughter, who I now live with, is more of a tinsel and glitter girl so we've got a real mishmash this year!

    Love your gnome! That is so cute.

    1. Thanks, Maebeme. I LOVE Christmas mishmash. The more bright and sparkly the better, brightening up the darkest month beautifully! xx

  7. Joy, your decorations are just perfect. Traditions are to be cherished.

    God bless.

    1. They really are. They are very precious and the decorations represent some very lovely people to me.

  8. What lovely decorations! Love the post.
    Sorry you're not feeling the greatest. Seems to be a lot of it going around. My daughter and granddaughter haven't been well. Hopefully everyone will be on the mend soon.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. Yes, there's a lot going the rounds here too. Quite miserable but,. essentially, harmless.
      I'm glad you like the decorations - many thanks. xx

  9. I'm relieved to see that the Guardians of the Tree are in situ :)
    I have the same ailment, Joy. With everyone at work suffering from the same thing, it would have been impossible to avoid it. I might need some medicinal Christmas brandy, this evening.
    Feel better soon. Xx

    1. Oh, yes. We have to have the Guardians. lol
      Sorry you are feeling rough too. Colds are not usually dangerous but they are unpleasant. xx
