In the middle of January I started what has turned out to be one of the joys of the year and my life - pottery. The first effort, the mousehog, was far from a success but then - this. I still love it!
Beth now comes along with me and it's a brilliant time together.
A trip to 'Sarfend' with a dear friend. Brrr, it was cold.
It has to be this, my lovely Mum, who passed away on Mothering Sunday, March 31st. A wonderful lady who lived an honest, loving and generous life and who we will never forget.
RIP Mum. Love you.
A coach trip to Sandringham with another dear friend.
In May, I had my bathroom done. Oh, it was such a mess and a stand up, top to toe wash isn't nearly as satisfactory or satisfying as a shower or a bath. Still, I survived, and I do love my new bathroom. I've even managed to keep it very tidy and oragnised since then. Amazing!
I did quite a lot in June, including a visit to Suzanne's with trips out, and the garden was very satisfying this month (and all through the summer, in fact).

My first ever holiday in Southwold. Of all the photos I took, this reminds me most of the thing I enjoyed most - walking up and down the beach next to the waves, watching the patterns and enjoying the sounds. Gorgeous.
My first ever cucumbers - and they were brilliant, keeping me in fruit all supper and well into the autumn too. One to do again this year, definitely.
It's very sad but I don't seem to have taken many photos in September. However, Beth was very productive, starting to build up her Christmas stock (and yes, they all sold - in fact, she had to make more).

I was on holiday at the Thetford Center Parcs and spent a lovely day at Brandon Country Park.
Right at the end of the month I had a couple of nights in Bury St Edmunds, meeting the lovely Sue over coffee. I also met this extremely friendly robin.
I started with a crafty thing so I'll finish with one too. The Dickensian mice I made for a customer of Beth's. She loved them and her mum send Beth a clip of her daughter playing with them. So cute!
It was nice looking back over the last year's photos. I'm not doing resolutions but I ought to take more and maybe I will make it a daily thing.
I hope you've enjoyed looking at them too.