Thursday 27 March 2014


Morning all.  No frost this morning but everything is wet after rain.  I do feel sorry for the children.  They love it when they are allowed on the school field but when it has rained they have to stay on the playground which is somewhat limited in space.

We had a treat yesterday.  Evening staff meeting was exchanged for a quick AOB at lunchtime.  Excellent!  I wasn't home any earlier but I did get a lot done which was good.  So Word Workshop is ready, Reading Revelry is ready, maths is ready, PE is ready and I only have to sort out the afternoon activities.  It feels good.

I know I always get like this at this stage in the term but I have to say it - seven more teaching days to go and then there's a glorious fortnight of not having to go into school.  There will be loads of work, of course, including starting in on the old end of year reports, but it will be easier and gentler and less pressured.

This Easter my project is to start working through some of the many recipes I want to try from 'A Girl Called Jack'.  I've made a list but, oh, there are so many . . .   I'll let you know how it all goes.

On Sunday I had a go at making gnocci which was - er - half successful.  They ended up too solid, so I have to work on that one.  Any excuse to try again, eh?

The kettle has boiled and my soul is crying out for coffee so I will go and satisfy it.  Have a super day!

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