Thursday, 6 February 2025


Morning, everybody.  We have another frost this morning.  I think we've already had more frosts this winter than in the whole of last winter;  I do like a clear and frosty start to the day.

I didn't book the Crete holiday because one annual thing landed yesterday plus I needed to pay my deposit and insurance for the Edinburgh holiday.  I have a horror of going overdrawn and, while I don't think there was actually any chance of that, better safe than sorry, so I have moved what I need for the deposit out of the newly named holiday savings account  and as soon as that lands, I will be on that phone.  I can pay it back in (or as much as possible) at the end of the month.

I did get round to changing that extra account name though.  It is now called Jolly Holidays!  I mean, how immature can I get, eh?  It says it all though and it cheers me up no end.  And I moved across the saved end of January money to give it a healthy start off, even if most of it went straight out for that Crete deposit.  Nice.

I found a couple of YouTube videos about the hotel.  Here's one which, I think, must be by the hotel itself for their guests.  

I forgot to say that the Premium Bonds behaved themselves again this month.  A nice, tidy £200 which is being reinvested for now but I'm keeping a note of winnings and they can be holiday money if necessary.

It was quite a busy day yesterday.  I took the washing back to Beth and Alex's and collected the last two days' worth which was done and out on the line very quickly.  It's now dry, bits have been ironed and it's ready to return at some point.

 I got to Knit and Natter and had a lovely time chatting and crocheting.  The Persian Tiles blanket attracted quite a bit of attention, which was nice.  I've almost finished all the 'tiles' now and then comes the task of fitting them all together and joining them - I hope by crochet rather than sewing - before the edging.  Getting there!

I had to leave early to get to Personal Training but it all worked, thank goodness, without getting me frazzled and fussed.  And I got the bin and recycling stuff out for tomorrow so go, me!!

Today is easier.

SET online, coffee and chat with Chris (at hers so I don't need to worry about a tidy house) and then I must go food shopping.  It's a very small shop and I was going to do it Saturday but somehow, last Friday, I missed that it was a taster session at Slimming World this Friday.  I'm just taking in some fruit but need to get some!
I might do some housework but I don't have to so we will see.

Have a lovely day, everyone, and thanks for all your lovely comments.  Have a great day packed with enjoyment.  xx


  1. Waiting to see your Persian tiles, it will be amazing, the colours are lovely if I remember rightly.

    1. Very vivid, yes. Eye catching but, I think, in a good way. xx

  2. Cold and bright here this morning, but quite calm. Looking forward to seeing the finished Persian tiles.

    1. It's a beautiful winter's day, isn't it. The solar panels are loving it!
      I'll take a photo when it's done. xx

  3. We had a hard frost here this morning, it's bright sunshine now but still very cold. The Persian Tiles blanket will be stunning when finished, and you'll be (rightly) so proud of all the work you've done on it. xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze. It's been a bit of a challenge but the stitches have been simple enough which is nice. xx

  4. Yes, it was a chilly morning first thing here too, we were at -3 all night so my car took quite a bit of defrosting this morning. Have I missed something about why you are doing Beth and Alex's washing just recently?

    1. I bet it did. I didn't need mine until after eleven so it was OK but earlier would have needed a good scraping too. I do love these frosty winter mornings.
      They have problems with their washing machine - I believe someone is coming to look at it tomorrow morning. xx

  5. Hi Joy, I'd just like to say thank you! I have croched for years but have never been over confident in following a pattern. After seeing you say that your "tiles" aren't actually too difficult, I have been encouraged to try a similar pattern and am very pleased with the results! It just shows that you never know what influence you may be having! Please make the most of all your holidays, life can be short. Very best wishes, Lizzie (from Wales)x

    1. Hi, Lizzie. What a very lovely thing to say and I'm so glad you have enjoyed branching out and getting so much satisfaction from it. I'm just joining them all together how and it's going OK - so far!

  6. What a lovely hotel and beautiful setting. Catr

  7. Lovely hotel. I do like what you are calling your savings account. Just the perfect name.

    God bless.

    1. It makes me smile - that has to be a good thing! Yes, the hotel sounds amazing, really comfortable and beautiful and totally Mediterranean. xx

  8. Now I want to go to Crete. It sounds divine!

    1. Doesn't it just - and it shouldn't be too hot in April either. Bonus! xx
