Tuesday 4 June 2024

Tuesday evening, 04-06-24

Good evening, everyone.  How has your day been?

It's been pretty dull round here with just a bit of sunshine from time to time and, sadly, rain later in the afternoon.   It's a bit breezy too but, thank goodness, not cold.

I did a bit of housework done before Diane arrived to pick up a book and have a coffee and chat, which was really pleasant.
Perhaps it is the dull weather but I'm having a snooze each afternoon at present and today was no exception.  It doesn't keep me awake at bedtime either so I guess I must need it.  Perhaps it is the hay fever which has been fighting back over the last few days ever since June started, who knows.

One nice thing - the Premium Bonds were kind again.  I never win very much but it all mounts up over time, doesn't it.  Maybe, one day, it will be a bigger win but I am content with how it's going right now.

Another nice thing - the tomatoes and the cucumbers are flowering and I picked a fair number of strawberries today.  They taste so sweet and juicy.

It's now nearly half past eight and I'm feeling tired so I think I will go up shortly and read for a while before I nod off.  It's such a nice way to fall asleep - over a book.  I won't be awake for Sewing Bee, I am sure, so that's a treat for tomorrow.
Sleep well, lovely people, and stay warm and safe.  xx


  1. Ooh, fresh picked strawberries are a real taste of summer aren't they. Mine are just starting to colour up so yesterday I netted them. It's been a soggy day here and it's forecast to be a cold night. Bring on summer.

    1. To be fair, the ones in the shop are definitely much tastier than they have been so far but they can't compare with freshly picked ones. It was a chilly night here too. xx

  2. I love a snooze just after lunch, don't always get one but it always feels like treating myself to something nice when I do......is that weird? Mustn't be for too long though otherwise it can affect sleeping well at night. We had a small premium bonds win too.......lovely x
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Not weird at all. It is lovely that we can, a real luxury.
      Congratulations on your win. It all helps. xx

  3. Yummy, fresh strawberries are the best. Cloudy here today and windy as well, which made it feel quite chilly.

    God bless.

    1. They really are - there's just nothing nicer . . .
      It has to get a little bit warmer soon. I am sitting here, sun shining but my fingers are cold and I am wearing one of my snuggle hoods. It feels odd for June. xx

  4. Colder here too and little fleecy blanket on over the summer duvet. Catriona

    1. Very wise. I still have the winter duvet on and I really don't feel overwarm in bed. Just cosy and comfortable.
      I did have the window on tilt overnight - I just like that fresh air.

  5. It's very changeable here - sun, clouds, sun, wind, clouds - I think the clouds are winning.

    1. Yup - but not for long and the sun is still there, just hiding . . . xx

  6. I love Sewing Bee, we always get it here in Canada, albeit a few months behind you guys. Those strawberries look yummy!
