Monday 3 June 2024

Monday evening, 03-06-24

Good evening, one and all.
The day started off s-l-o-w-l-y.  I woke early so started reading in bed and three hours later . . . ooops.  That's because Lindsey is still on holiday so there's no classes today, tomorrow or Wednesday.  I have videos on YouTube but, of course, can do them any time.  Nothing to bounce out of bed for today.

And so it went on.  A very slow-paced day which suited me just fine.

I did do some housework.  I rather neglected it all last week, one way or another, so it was good to get some things back into shape again.  I have a friend round for coffee tomorrow so I am glad downstairs is well in order.

And that is today.  We had some sunshine but it was generally dull but dry.  And warmer, very much warmer than Saturday.  I'm still wearing a jumper over my T shirt but no need for an oodie today.

Have a great night's sleep, everyone.  All the very best for tomorrow.  xx


  1. It was warm here and my washing was out all day . It was still damp when I brought it in!

    1. Better than nothing, I guess, and lovely to feel warm. xx

  2. We had a very warm day today and I spent it doing some shopping-laundry basket, two new yellow towels for kitchen and a plastic crate for shoes in the motorhome. I then came home and chilled.Catriona

    1. All very useful and how satisfying. I enjoy buying things like that too. xx

  3. We were also pretty warm here across the pond, but of course the rain came and cooled things off. Today has not been very warm either, mostly overcast with more rain in the forecast for this evening.

    God bless.

    1. It doesn't sound great but maybe it gives you indoor time to work on your weaving. xx

  4. Nothing nicer than starting the day with a few pages of an interesting book. Today here started dull but ended up with sun and heat. Hope tomorrow is nice for you.

    1. Yes, it is a good way to start a day and not always do-able. It depends on what the diary says. :-)

  5. Absolutely gorgeous day here yesterday. Perfect gardening weather and I certainly made the most of it

    1. You certainly had the sunshine yesterday. It was pretty dull here - but dry so I'm not grumbling. Gardening in the sun is so very pleasant. xx

  6. We are having such mixed weather at the moment and the mornings are still on the chilly side - is it really June? X
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Definitely chilly. Down to around 7C overnight which isn't freezing burt cold for this time of year. Surely it has to warm up soon! Could it be the impact of solar flares? I really have no idea. xx

  7. A slow day sounds perfect. Xx

    1. It's nice to be able to go slow, isn't it? xx
