Sunday, 19 September 2021


 Morning, everyone.  What a glorious day it was yesterday.  Warm, sunny, no humidity worth noting.  A few more like that wouldn't go amiss, please Mrs or Mr Weather.
Mind you, we're supposed to get rain this afternoon and there are, I believe, weather warnings out in some places.  
That's life!

I pottered around for ages yesterday before actually getting dressed.  It's so lovely not to feel pushed.  As you know from my extra post yesterday, I took the walk from Tower Gardens through to Central park to see the knife angel, had a lovely chat with a lady beside the Angel and then walked back again.   It was great.

Then, in the evening, I got into PJs and fleecy dressing gown and snuggled down in my recliner to watch the first Strictly of the new series.  It was lovely, I thought, full of happy feelings and it was great to see Bill and Oti reprise their street dance from last year. 
I'm looking forward to the first dances now.

Many thanks to Eileen for posting the address of a site she uses for booking what sounds like really interesting online classes.  I've saved a link on my desktop and am definitely taking the one month free trial to explore thoroughly.  As the days get shorter, I am feeling the need to educate myself again and, let's face it, we may have another lockdown anyway.  If that happens, I will be glad of in-house entertainment.

As is true for anyone with growing space, as old things come out, I ponder next year.

This little space, for example.  For a long time, it has nurtured six tomato plants and each year they have done brilliantly.  It is a sunny, sheltered part of the garden and the strawberry runners you can see in this photo will be taken up and used elsewhere (maybe Beth would like some?).  Anyway, I am reluctant to grow tomatoes there again next year as:
a)  it's time the soil had a change and 
b)  blight - need I say more?

We can't/ don't grow corn down the allotment, the reason being badgers just decimate the crop.  Some canny allotment holders have a secure area and some use raised beds.  We have neither so choose to grow baby corn instead.  However, why not have corn in this garden space next year?  There's certainly enough for a 3x3 planting, perhaps even a 4x4.  I will have to measure carefully.  There's nothing as nice as a fresh picked corn on the cob and I used to get copious supplies from Dad, most of which went into the freezer to delight winter meals.
It's easy to grow too, not needing an awful lot of care.
Definitely a plan.

A better phot of the cyclamen although, classic Joy-photography, I failed to notice the stopper that closes the hole for the rotary line when it's in the shed.  D'oh!

These are a picture.  I have two matching tubs of fuchsia; the other is darker pink and purple.  They give that area gorgeous colour in late summer and early Autumn and just come up year after year (with a bit of feeding).

. . . and the beans are coming on a treat.  

Today looks like a busy day.

I'm not sure whether I will spend the morning doing allotment or chutney.  I suspect the latter as I really need to use some of those apples.  Maybe chutney before breakfast and allotment afterwards?  I'll see how I feel.

In the afternoon I have family over which will be really, really nice.  There's things to talk about but nothing bad.

I'm looking forward to today and I hope you are too.  Stay safe.  xx


  1. Chutney sounds like a good idea I am still picking the ripe cherry tomatoes which are in a pot and escaped the dreaded blight which wiped out the green house tomatoes.

    1. I think I've been lucky in a way. I lot all the allotment tomatoes and six plants from the garden but there's still enough to keep me going - although they are ripening very slowly now. I've made one lot of chutney with them. Today's batch is apple and sultana from some apples I was given.

  2. They announce a new online class today, starting in a couple of weeks, all to do with antiques and fronted by the man who presents Flog It on TV. Sadly it clashes with the Monday style classes so I won't be able to do it just yet! I hope you can find something you like. There's also the Open Learn courses as well. I remember you did the algebra one ages ago.

    1. I did and I'm pondering that too - I enjoyed the algebra.

  3. I need to look into taking a class or two this winter. I think with the speed the trees are turning colour and losing their leaves we could be in for an early winter. Our winters are long and cold so anything that gives me something to do is great.

    Nothing beats fresh corn on the cob so I hope it works out for you to grow some.

    God bless.

    1. leaves are starting to look 'aged' round here and some are starting to drop. Because we've had such a damp summer, things are greener than they normally are, I think.
      I do hope your winter isn't harder than usual.
