Thursday 1 June 2017


Good morning, everyone and a fine, sunny morning it is too.

As usual, I didn't get half of what I had planned done yesterday but nowadays that is no disaster.  There's always today and if not today, then tomorrow.  And if the worst comes to the worst and the end of the world cometh, it won't matter anyway!

I had two parcels - one expected and the other not expected yet.  The not expected one was two pedestal fans.  Last Sunday it was warm so I got out the fan, only to find that the plug was broken and, as it's one of these with an integral plug (or whatever it's called), I decided to replace the fan which was rather ropy and on its last legs anyway.  I've had several pedestal fans over the years and I have to say each one has been easier to assemble than the one before.  These two were a doddle and I managed to get the two of them up while watching telly!  So that's one for downstairs and one for my bedroom and today's task is to dismantle the old one (because it won't fit in the bin as it is)!

I didn't, of course, get the front 'garden' sorted so it's top of the list today.

I did manage to meander around the back garden which is in quite good nick (funny how there was time for that) and decided to leave the strawberries for today so there's quite a nice dessert waiting for dinner tonight now after a pleasant few minutes searching and picking.

And then there's the ubiquitous allotment.

I'm now quite concerned about my runner beans.  More than half of them haven't come up so I think today I will plant some in pots and plant them out when they have grown.  I don't need many but when I only plant a few the gaps are noticeable.  I've never had them not come up like this before.

However, to compensate, the leeks are now showing tiny little green spikes and the kale is doing well too.  A long way from planting on but they're good.

Time for coffee - see you again tomorrow!

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