Tuesday 26 April 2011

Tuesday morning

. . . and it's back to school for tens of thousands of teachers and millions of children today. Three days worth of work on the royal family, weddings, etc . . . My imagination is boggling mightily at the thought!

Yesterday was very pleasant. Sunny and warm but with a very fresh breeze that stopped it from getting in the least bit uncomfortable. I had a most pleasant time sitting out in the garden with an old friend, chatting about this and that and generally catching up with each other's news. Apart from that the highlight of the day (sad me) was a programme on George Martin which started at none so by ten I was falling asleep and couldn't finish watching it. Hopefully I can see the rest on iPlayer later on this week.

Well - better go and sort out the last bits of planning! Back to the old grindstone!


taken in the garden yesterday - such pretty faces!

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