Tuesday, 11 March 2025


Good morning, everyone.  I'm back home and trying to get back to normal after a very lovely and enjoyable weekend at Potter's Five Lakes.

I only found one more usable photo on my camera, part of the Games Hall.  It's huge.  To the right of this shot there is a full sized bowling green that could accommodate four games easily.  To the left there's loads of small games, shove halfpenny tables, darts, and goodness knows what else while behind is the studio where all the fitness stuff happens.
Like Center Parcs, it is definitely a holiday the weather can't spoil.

After a very leisurely breakfast yesterday where everyone was obviously most reluctant to break up the party, Diane and I loaded my car up before I went back in to talk to the rebooking people.  Yes, I have booked another weekend!  Just me this time, so it won't be the same at all, but it's still good and I can still be active as there's the Potter's run fitness-type classes that cover all sorts of things from a wake up, stretch out session through to things like cheerleading, dancercise and line dancing - plus the pool, of course.  I didn't actually use the pool this time, which is a shame.

Anyway, that's in June.

Diane lives a little bit closer to Five Lakes than I do and, thankfully, it involved going under, not on, the A12 (I don't really like the A12).  I went in for coffee and another good old chat before heading home.  Goodness, I was shattered!  What with a late night on Sunday and waking at stupid o'clock on Monday, sleep was a bit on the deprived side.  

I had intended to unpack, etc, but instead I sank into my comfy chair and chilled.  I may have slept a bit too.  😊

Consequently, today is rather full.  I) will be off to Groove in about an hour and a half and this afternoon I have my SEN link governor visit to school (must dig out that paperwork).  In between these two, I have unpacking, making dinner, doing some washing and generally tidying up.  I don't think I will get anything else much done today.

So that's today.  It is nice to get back to normality again but I'm very glad I will be going back again not too far into the future.  
Have a lovely day, everyone.  xx


  1. Sounds like another great weekend at Potters, and off to your Groove class as well, you'll be positively a picture of health.

    1. I wish!!! lol
      Seriously, yes, keeping active works really well for me at the moment. Good for body and brain. I'm feeling a bit achy but it is a good achy, not a warning to be careful. xx

  2. It sounds like it was an action packed and very enjoyable break. It's always nice to get back home and back to normal for a while though isn't it. I've just booked two holidays for us, one with Ginger and one when we'll go further afield and my son and his partner will cat sit. We can't go too far with Ging as he yowls all the time he's in his cat carrier. He actually travels great when he's loose in the car, but I'm always afraid he will dash out when we stop for a break.

    1. Neither is ideal, I agree. I am sure Ginger will enjoy both his holidays.
      I love my breaks, as you know, but coming home again is an extra nice feeling.
      This time was just lovely! Very little nicer than being with friends. xx

  3. A fabulous weekend at Five Lakes for you and the weather was perfect.

    1. It really was - almost summer-like. So lovely. xx

  4. Well done on booking to go back to Potters-it sounds as if it has enough activities to keep everyone busy. Catriona

    1. Yes, it really does. It has all sorts of stuff going on - not excuse to have nothing to do unless that is how you want it. xx

  5. I am sure that you will enjoy your next trip to Potters. I can only imagine how tired you were when you got home.

    God bless.

    1. Totally shattered but . . . happy too. I'll do it again, any time. :-) Thanks, Jackie xx

  6. Glad you had a good time. Definitely something to look forward to!

    1. Thank you, Sharon. It won't be all that long before I go back, either. xx

  7. It sounds like you've enjoyed a really lovely weekend, with so many great activities to choose from. And hopefully, you'll get a chance to use the pool when you go again in June. Xx

    1. Yes, indeed. I will be there on my own rather than going around in a small group so can do my own thing and that will definitely include the pool, for sure. xx
