There - grumble done!
It's a very much milder start to the day today - no frost but the sky is clear so it should be another sunny one. Yesterday was gorgeous. A two load totally dry on the line day with ironing in the evening. I love good drying days. There was just a hint of a breeze which really helped.
Edit: we now have a frost, just on roofs, fences, etc.
It felt weird, going to personal training in the morning as I almost always go mid afternoon. I drove on to B&Q but their range of sanders to look at, lift, etc, was pathetic and expensive. There were loads of drills, angle grinders, saws, etc, and one of two sanders and, sorry, I am not paying around £150 for one. So I came home, looked on Amazon again and got a mid range one. To be honest, to my uneducated eye and with what I need it for, they mostly look much of a muchness. I also ordered some spare sanding discs (is that what they are called) and it should all arrive today so I'm really hoping I can finish off the first coffee table top ready for whatever comes next (I have a checklist and some super fine sandpaper).
Update on Bubbles and Squeak is - er - nothing. Not a single sign of life. They're not going off, there's no mould, no nasty smell so I don't know but tomorrow they are both going to have to go into fridge hibernation for the weekend.
I'm not giving up though, not this time. I can start again next week.
I got a message through from the surgery and have booked a blood test for the 20th (gives time for this weekend's alcohol to clear from my system and more). I also have to do the usual seven days of blood pressure readings to send to them . It confirmed that there are no medication review appointments for this month so get the rest done, bring in the BP results and then they should be able to book me in. Fine by me.
And - they have freed up my prescriptions so I can get them again. I wasn't very low but would be by the end of the month!
So - all good. It will be interesting to find out if my diet changes have lowered the 'bad' cholesterol - I do hope so, I don't want any arguments about statins.
So - all good. It will be interesting to find out if my diet changes have lowered the 'bad' cholesterol - I do hope so, I don't want any arguments about statins.
Today starts with a SET class online. Then, usually, I meet with Chris for coffee and chat but not this week as Chris has an appointment elsewhere.
I want to get everything out for the weekend to make packing tomorrow easier and I hope to be able to do some sanding, fingers crossed. Plus the usual housework, of course, there's always that, isn't there?
Well, time to go back up, have my bath and get ready for the day ahead. I hope everyone's well and happy. Take care, stay safe and see you tomorrow. xx
Hope you ordered a mask for wearing when you are sanding, Joy, as the fine dust goes everywhere including up your nose and into your lungs. Good luck with the new sander-I love updating bits and pieces of furniture or textiles. Catriona
ReplyDeleteI have some masks, thanks, Catriona. It's very satisfying, just slow. xx
DeleteIt's awful just lying there and being unable to go back to sleep, isn't it? I know it makes my brain feel like it's wading through treacle the next day. I hope you can catch up tonight. I wonder why Bubbles isn't doing anything? Perhaps it's to do with the type (or age) of your flour, or your water - too hard or soft, maybe? I don't know at all, by the way, I'm just throwing out random suggestions, grasping at straws. I suppose one alternative might be to beg some active starter from a friend or neighbour, if you know any who make sourdough, or I think you can buy starters online. xx
ReplyDeleteYou can buy online and I have considered that. If all else fails, I may. The flour is not old and I am using bottled spring water because our tap water is either hard or softened and neither are great, I gather.
DeleteNever worry - we will get there at some point, I am sure. I managed it a long time ago and that was just using tap water so go figure! :-) xx
I'll start my comment with a grumble then... I have woken at 4.30am for the past three days with my brain immediately in full gear. No chance of more sleep then, at least the mornings have been nice and fresh and it's light quite early now. Sitting drinking coffee and watching the world come to life makes for a good start to the day, it's always a looooooong day though!! Oh that dreaded lecture on statins, I used to get it every time until I explained to the nurse what cholesterol actually does FOR the body and why lowering it is not such a good idea. Now, no more arguments, I just get 'oh you know all about cholesterol and it's uses don't you'. Much better.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely an appropriate grumble. It is really wearing, isn't it, and the more we fret, the worse it gets! As you say, the lighter mornings are a real blessing and, as it gets warmer, I love sitting in the garden watching nature wake.
DeleteWell done re cholesterol and statins. At least nowadays they do differentiate between HDLs and LDLs and my test results come back showing both. It was the LDLs that were 'borderline' last time so I am really hoping for a better result. I'm not going on statins though. xx
Greetings from Australia, I was interested in the discussion on cholesterol, mine was too high. I tried and didn't like statins. So I changed my diet mainly cutting out fatty meat, bacon, sausages and also butter and cheese. My 3 monthly tests showed a lower reading each time in the overall and bad categories. Despite my cholesterol now being in good range, and a CT chest scan for calcium having a low reading the GP still kept talking about statins like she just wanted Everybody to take them. I saw her locum who gave me the encouragement I needed and said I'd done well. Really medication is not a replacement for good diet and exetcise.
ReplyDeleteHi, Aussiebel. That's interesting. That's what I've been doing pretty much, focusing on healthy fats and oils - evoo, avocado, seeds, etc, eating much less red meat and more plant based food - trying to eat the Mediterranean was as much as possible.
DeleteHow silly to want you to take meds when they are not necessary. Preventative, maybe? I'd have though what you (and I) do is a far better preventative strategy and loads better for us.
I really don't know how much it has all helped but I'll find out soon enough, won't I? xx
I would be very interested to know how you change your diet if your results show a reduction as I have recently been told my bad cholesterol is too high and have already had the statin argument.
DeleteA regular reader Jane
I think it is about prevention. The GP said she took statins herself even though her CT scan reading was zero.
DeleteJane, I did a whole set of posts about this on my other blog when I first started - I'll see if I can find the first one and post the link - then you can follow through as far as you'd like to go.
DeleteI'm finding it is a healthier, tastier way of eating anyway, regardless of what is does or doesn't help with, and will be (mostly) staying on that way of eating, full stop. xx
Aussiebel, that just doesn't make sense to me but what do I know, eh? Each to their own. I have to take meds for blood pressure (although that might be changing if this next set of readings are as good as the last lot) and am not keen to rattle any more! :-) xx
DeleteA good diet does more for cholesterol and high blood pressure than most medication, I agree.
ReplyDeleteI think so - and it is good all round too - but we will see if the blood test results agree. Certainly my blood pressure is much better now and it wasn't always, even with the meds. xx
DeleteI seem to be waking up at around 3 every night the last while. Now instead of lying there I get up and read for a bit. That does the trick.
ReplyDeleteGod bless.
Good for you. Yes, that can work for me, not always though. Always worth a try! xx
DeleteUgh I hate nights like those! The following day seems so long.
ReplyDeleteThey really do. Very bleurgh! xx
DeleteThere's nothing more frustrating than lying awake in the middle of the night, knowing you're going to feel exhausted the next day. I hope you managed to get some rest, Joy. Xx
ReplyDeleteIt really is the pits. In the past, I would get up and do some lesson planning, resource making, etc, but now I read or just try relaxation stuff. Or give in, get up and plan a down time later on. :-) xx