Sunday, 2 February 2025

January review and February's aims

Yesterday, I had a look back at the goals/themes for 2025 that I waffled on about after Twelfth Night was over and thought about how it was all going.
It's thinking out loud really . . .

Healthy finances:
January was as much a Needs Only month as I could make it apart from a couple of slips towards the end.  I increased the amount going into savings every month so it stays at 25% and will need to do this again when I know by how much my two pensions are increasing.  I also managed to save more on top so I'm very pleased with that.
I'd like February to be similar so fingers crossed.

Healthy mind and body.
Well, the dodgy back put paid to being as physically energetic as I would have liked but it's more or less OK again now and I am being careful to 'engage my core' (as Lindsey says), have good posture and not to slouch too much.  
As far as the mind bit is concerned, I read, I do sudokus and other mental activities, I socialise, I have plenty of interests.  I think it all helps.
So this continues through February.

Healthy lifestyle.
This is partly covered by the mind and body one.  I am back on plan now, eating the Mediterranean way as much as is sensible and possible and just wondering why I went off track so easily over Christmas.  This way is so much nicer, it really is.  
I'm engaging in some ongoing decluttering, I have my ongoing fitness stuff and I'm very much looking forward to a variety of coach trips through the coming year (although not this month).
I'm thinking about another cruise and just working it through in my mind

So February's specific aims are:
  • To continue with the Needs Only spending.
  • To continue using what I have in freezer, fridge and cupboards first (to a great extent - there's always going to be exceptions) - so audit, plan the meals, write the shopping list in that order.
  • Linked with that to move a specific amount across to short term savings at the end of the month.  I have a specific amount in mind but won't be sharing that.
  • To continue updating my spreadsheet every time anything goes out of my account so I absolutely KNOW where I am at any given point in the month.
  • To continue with the Food Bank collection and, specifically, to check what's really needed and make sure I focus on that.
  • To make a decision about whether to go for another cruise and to decide on a linked savings target to go towards that (I suppose you could call it a sinking fund but it will be on the spreadsheet, not a separate account.)
  • To do one extra online SET class each week, if possible.
  • To continue with the decluttering.
  • Resume the daily weed scraping when they start fighting back - and they will!

All looking good!
How about you?


  1. It all sounds positive, Joy. I'm also focusing on working towards a healthier mind and body this year. The decluttering was a huge starting point for me, and I'm aiming to simplify my life as much as possible.
    I have so much going on in the background that it is completely necessary.
    Book that cruise! :)

    1. Decluttering is a biggie for a lot of people. I wish I were a one in/one out sort of person but I'm not and have to work at it. Good luck with it, Jules, and with everything else as well. xx

  2. Still decluttering here and yesterday we did some money moving too. We have saved for a new bathroom and hope to have an estimated cost this week. Also looking at moving the boiler downstairs from the loft as I feel it would be safer for us in older age. That will be a summertime job when we don’t need the heating. Catriona

    1. A new bathroom - how lovely! They say the things that are best selling points are the kitchen and the bathroom, don't they?
      It's definitely better to have an accessible boiler. Mine is in the kitchen (behind a cupboard door) so it is easy for everyone. But yes, definitely a summer thing!
      Good luck with your plans. xx

  3. It's very nice that you set goals,
    the more likely you are to conquer them,
    or if not, at least you will have tried for what you want!!

    1. I agree - it keeps them to the front of my mind much more. Thanks, Katerina. xx

  4. You always seem to well organised! I’ll be interested to see where you decide to go on your coach trips! 😁

    1. I MAKE myself be organised - I'm not naturally so. That's why I find the thinking out loud so very helpful and I'm grateful that people read and respond, thank you (all).
      I've definitely got a place on the Evita trip and possibly on the Tut/Shard/Fish and chips one but it was very popular so I just have to wait and see.
      My next one isn't until middle of April - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe at Cliffs Pavilion down Southend way so not far at all. xx

  5. Being organised removes much of the potential stress of life. You set a fine example.

    1. Thank you so much - what a kind thing to say. And to Sal too. Such encouragers. xx

  6. Since we are under Trumps tariffs and have started our own along with Mexico, I am really watching what I purchase. I have heard he is also going to tariff the EU and I wouldn't be surprised if he tariffs you as well. Things are going to get pretty tough over the next few years for most of the world.
    Your goals look pretty attainable.

    God bless.

    1. It's very scary, isn't it? How can one man have SO much power. It's never going to work out well (my view). xx

  7. It seems like you are doing really well staying on track with everything, it's good to get the year off to a good start isn't it. Although, I had to laugh at you mentioning 'a sinking fund' for a cruise ... linked savings sound so much safer. ;-)

    1. I wondered if anyone would pick that up - well done, Sue!!! Floating fund maybe?
      I really don't know whether I will go this year. I will just have to see really. xx

  8. I’ve been looking at cruises too. We did them for years before retirement but only two since as we have to consider the cost much more carefully now. I’ve been looking at them this afternoon but also considering other holidays. I’m not in a very decisive mood today! Do let us know if you book something.

    1. I will. It's a big decision, I think, not made lightly. xx

  9. Well done! I'm trying to work on finances this year. Haven't done too well in January with son's move and new furniture for him. Hopefully I'll be back on track in February

    1. These things come along and really trip us up, don't they? I am sure it was money very well spent. Good luck for February. xx
