Monday, 11 June 2018


Good morning, everyone.  Wasn't yesterday glorious?  Once the morning clouds had vanished it was wall to wall sunshine.  Hopefully the rest of the week will remain the same.

As predicted, yesterday was a lazy day.  Even making dinner was lazy as it was cottage crumble and once you've done each part it's just a case of assembling and baking.  So Mum and I say out in the garden and chatted!

Today will be a bit more lively!  I have to sort out what I'm taking and pack, do a bit of shopping, get there and unload.  Then I'm hoping to go on a stroll around the 'village' before settling for the evening with my dinner and a nice glass of wine on the balcony, Kindle to one side and cross stitching to the other.  I'll get there before I'm allowed to enter the apartment so I shall wander down to the aide of the lake and have my picnic - ham sandwich, apple and a drink.

I might have a swim today and I might not - I'll see how I feel.


  1. Have a fabulous time, Joy. That's one of the good things about CP - you can get there early and just wander around getting into the 'spirit' of it, so your holiday starts early. Enjoy yourself.

  2. It is nice. I don't need to 'orient' as it were because I know the place, but a pleasant wander around is always nice! :-)

  3. It's glorious weather here so I hope you have the same. I hope you have a fantastic time and am looking forward to hearing about all your holiday adventures. xx

  4. Hope you're enjoying your time away!
