Monday, 17 July 2017


Good morning, everyone.  I'm still tired after a hot, humid and busy day yesterday - in fact I slept for nine hours - great - and am still yawning.  Maybe that's because I haven't had the first coffee yet though!

I met Beth down the allotment but, to be honest, there's not a lot to do right now apart from watering and picking, a bit of weeding from time to time and drinking coffee!  We came back with potatoes, green beans, courgettes, mange tout and cucumbers.

Beth helped me bring all the sewing stuff back downstairs, reorganise it and get it away in one of the cupboards.  It looks loads better than before.  We then brought down some of the paper, envelopes, etc.  She told me about a box for rolls of wrapping paper in Hobbycraft so we whizzed over there to take a look and I got one - very convenient and will keep the paper on much better order than just stuffing it in the cupboard.

Come the evening I was zonked so watched bits of Wimbledon and then went early to bed because I kept going to sleep!

Today I finish clearing the guest room of clutter, go into school to tidy the history cupboard (seems to be my role in life right now - tidying cupboards), help in foundation stage in the afternoon and then do some planning before my guest arrives.  While all that's going on, Paul will be doing the woodwork!

I'd better get started then.


  1. Good luck with all the chores

  2. Thanks. The cupboards wasn't all that bad after all, I've made some soda bread and the curry we're having on Wednesday, done the food shopping and am just back off to school again. Going smoothly so far!
    J x
