Sunday 11 August 2024

Sunday evening, 11-08-24

 Evening.  It's been a hot day at times, for sure.  I gather tomorrow the temperature will jump up so let's be careful, keep water to hand and use that sun block!

I had quite a lot to do today so I made a Little List.

1.  Sort out fridge, clean and tidy.  Done.  Actually, it didn't take too long and there were only a few old jars, opened and past their date.  I was pleased.

2.  Downstairs housework.  I usually do this tomorrow but tomorrow I have a friend round, the place needs a clean and I won't have time tomorrow because of circuits first thing.  Done now.  I don't usually do that sort of housework on a Sunday but, just for once . . .

Then there were some garden things.

3.  Finish bed and plant broad beans.
♬🎜♫ The broad beans are sleepin' in a blankety bed 🎝♬♫

I love that song.
Hopefully they won't sleep too soundly though!
4.  Compost leaves and cucumber plants.  All done and in the compost heap and the soil left in the planter went on the blankety bed.

5.  Clear weeds from between slabs, etc.
Started.  There's more to do at the front but the back looks better.  It got rather too hot.

6.  Feed tomatoes, etc.
Ooops - must do this tomorrow.  I've watered now.

So, all in all, quite a productive and satisfying day and I should sleep well.

It's a busy week coming up, for sure.  Bit spendy too.
Monday:  two fitness classes (and it is going to be hot), a friend round for coffee am and an online chat in the evening
Tuesday:  Groove and the walk there and back, car in for a service (ouch), a helpful phone call to sort something out (nothing nasty or bad, thankfully)
Wednesday:  boiler service (which is stopping me going to circuits but priorities!), Personal Training
Thursday:  SET online, Chat with Chris, someone from Seth's company round (I hope) to sort something else out.
Friday:  Slimming World, over to Diane's and out for lunch
Saturday:  SET online and a Writtle walk.
. . . plus all the usual stuff, of course.

So, I will need my beauty sleep!

I hope it's not been too hot for you today and that, whatever you've done, it's been a good day for you.

All the best - nighty night.xx


  1. 'Broad beans sleeping in a blankety bed' - I love that song. You have a busy week
    ahead - enjoy! I know you will:-)

    1. It's lovely, isn't it? It's earworming me now though!
      Yes, I'm sure I will - it will be good to these things done and sorted out. xx

  2. It’s been very hot today so I have even inside sewing. Catriona

    1. It gor very hot here in the afternoon but cooled off again as the sun went down and overnight was OK. Today might get up to 34C which is hot for here! Must remember to give my plants a midday water, just the roots. xx

  3. That's great. I just fed my roses. Gardening is so relaxing and rewarding. Enjoy your beauty sleep.

    1. It can be. I enjoy it mostly although some chores are perhaps a bit boring - nicer when they're finished. Like scraping those weeds from the slabs! xx

  4. All that garden work you accomplished, would you come over and work in my garden? Stay cool. I live in California and the temps this summer so far are all 70 to 84. No heat wave yet. But my friends who live a 40 minute drive away have experienced 105 degrees. I would melt!

    1. California? Fare, board and keep paid? Sure! LOL
      Hi, Terra. Thoe temperatures sound very pleasant indeed although I guess humidity would make a difference. You must live in a sort of mini microclimate with those more extreme temperatures fairly close by. I would melt too!! xx

  5. Great work in the garden. It's looking lovely

    1. It's a very small space really so little and often seems to do the trick with the occasional splurge of work. Suits me.
      I kind of miss the allotment but not really - if that makes sense. xx

  6. The song is very sweet, hoping the broad beans thrive, what a treat they will be.
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Yes, it is a lovely song - a nice simple piano accompaniment too.
      If it works, it will be nice to have something so fresh in late autumn, won't it? Fingers crossed. xx

  7. Oh earworming!! Great expression, never heard that before! My worst one is, dare I say it, "How much is that do**y in the window".... Enjoy your busy, but productive, week! x

  8. Good term, isn't it? As for that other song, goodness, that takes me right back to when I was a little one. xx

  9. A very productive day! I hope you manage to stay cool in the hot weather. It's not too bad up north, but it feels muggy. We had a thunderstorm this morning. Xx

    1. I'm staying inside this afternoon and not moving around all that much. It feels very humid at the moment. xx

  10. Well done! I've done very little and feeling very ashamed about it!

    1. Don't be . . . 'me' time is very precious and valuable. And it's been hot! xx
