Wednesday 24 July 2024

Wednesday evening, 24-07-24

Evening, all.
The party and school yesterday was an absolute delight.  We even had a rounders match on the field and, probably for the first time ever, I took part.  It was just for fun and most enjoyable.  There were loads of my ex colleagues there, some, like me, retired and some still working.  It was fun.

My brain was so active afterwards that I couldn't get to sleep for ages - you know how your body is tired but your brain doesn't admit to it.  Well, that!
Not to worry, today was another quiet-ish sort of day.  I did a bit of housework, a bit of cooking, a bit of garden stuff . . .

Alex came round for lunch and we had a good chat before I took him home and then went to Lindsey's for personal training.  All good!

I went a bit spendy too - I've been looking for a wooden, fold up, hole for a parasol in the middle, small garden table - yes, I found some but I wanted it ready assembled.  The last time I tried to assemble a table, it was a disaster.
Anyway, I have found one, from Wayfair so I hope it is OK.  

(the chairs aren't included, nor are the drinkies!)

I also found a tray on a sort of trestle affair, also fold up and also ready assembled, and got that too.
Yes, a bit naughty, not something I had been looking for, but I will use it, for sure.

After looking around for a while, I was so pleased to have found these.  They're supposed to be arriving tomorrow so fingers crossed they are as OK as they look in the photos.

(By the way, photos are from the Wayfair site.)

Well, time to stop waffling on and get this posted, I think.  I don't think there will be any problems with getting to sleep this evening.  Sleep tight and have a great day tomorrow, everyone.  xx


  1. Ooh it's going to be a nice set up. Folding tables are very useful.

    1. Typically, it is pouring down this morning so, assuming they arrive today, I won't be able to tert them out. Isn't that always the way. I'm really looking forward to trying the parasol one! xx

  2. Nice table - hope it works out for you. I usually find, after a restless or sleepless night, the next one is much better!

    1. It was better - a bit restless but much more sleep. That's the way it goes! xx

  3. The table looks cute. What a shame the drinks aren't included ;)

    1. Yeah - bit of a diddle really (not)
      They've arrived thad they are fine. xx

  4. I like the little tray table thingy. That's going to come in very handy

    1. Yes, indeed. Inside and out, I think. xx

  5. We were looking for a nice table that we could eat off outside too, but the ones we've seen up to now have all been too small or come with chairs and we already have chairs. Yours look really nice so I might go and have a look at the Wayfair site. Folding one are really handy aren't they. :-)

    1. They are nice. A bit rough in places but I can easily rub things down and re-oil in time. It all works, folds and unfolds without any problems. I'm actually really pleased. xx

  6. The party sounded fun and a good game of rounders never goes amiss!
    Nice purchases - just need the sun to go with them, now.

    1. It was a really good laugh.
      I said to V, it's not a problem if they didn't arrive until tomorrow as today is not a day for trying them out!! A bit damp and windy! xx

  7. Enjoy your blog, as always. I still have to get on laptop to reply to blogs, but I read them on Apple phone or Ipad. School here in Florida ended June and will begin August. The boys work with Nana and have so many will go to fourth at the gifted school and one to seventh at his gifted school. I am flying, weather permitting, to Indy to visit family there...I lived near them three years before coming here to live near this group...Before Covid, I was flying to Florida and elsewhere four times a, as I am aging quickly, the flying is not easy but needs must...I need a trip to my home state in the fall...many reasons...will fly if I problems keep coming...I enjoy your blog especially your travels...I have been to many of the places you go...I loved England, and we are all excited that the third grand girl will also get to study care...enjoy your travels...

    1. Thanks, Brenda. How lovely to be so close to your lovely family. I really hope your plans for travel come to fruition without any drawbacks. xx

  8. I'm glad you had a good time. That table looks like a lovely addition to the garden space.

    1. Thanks, Sharon. I am sure they will.

  9. Nice find. We love sitting out on our deck to have our cocktails in the evening, and sometimes we eat dinner there as well. It's nice to enjoy the weather. I'm sure you'll get lots of use out of both the tray and table. Popped in from a mutual friends blog, it's always fun to meet new bloggers.

    1. Hi, Sandy - lovely to 'meet' you.
      I think I'm going to get a lot of use out of them both, once the weather warms up again (and it is supposed to). I'll take photos when I can. xx
